Today’s post begins with an image called Crystal 6. The “six” has nothing to do with anything but since I will be gazing into my “Crystal Ball” to make my predictions we’ll just have to wait to see how well everything turns out.
So here we have as complete as list of TV shows that I could find. I’ll tell you a bit about all of them then make a prediction. Come back in late May 2009 to see how well I did.
90210 (CW): Beverly Hills 90210 gets sexed-up for the new millennium. PREDICTION: dunno why network execs felt the need to pull this show out but it’s doing gangbusters. If it survives Dancing With The Stars the show may well end up saving the CW’s butt and keep the weblet alive.
AMERICA’S TOUGHEST JOBS (NBC): a reality show where contestants do tough jobs. (The title really explains it all.) PREDICTION: America won’t care any more than I do so this turkey won’t see Season Two.
CRUSOE (NBC): the classic becomes a weekly television series. PREDICTION: looks good, has a lot of money behind it and tons of international participation but I just don’t see the show catching on. It will go off the schedule before Robinson Crusoe gets rescued.
DO NOT DISTURB (FOX): sitcom about the staff of a hip NYC hotel--compete with all the racial and sexual stereotypes in place for our amusement. PREDICTION: Do Not Disturb won’t disturb viewers for a second season.
EASY MONEY (CW) : what were the CW Execs smoking when they “green-lighted” a drama about a family running a high-interest loan business? Yep--that’s “must see TV” NOT!!! PREDICTION: the show is already confined to the wasteland that is Sunday on the CW. Nobody will see this show and it’ll go away--eventually.
ELEVENTH HOUR (CBS): Fringe for the CSI crowd. PREDICTION: all the expense but none of the sexiness of Fringe. Eleventh Hour clocks out by the eleventh episode.
FRINGE (FOX): high concept science fiction/adventure show involving an odd team of Agents investigating “Fringe” science. PREDICTION: uncertain. A lot of potential and the show is been getting a lot of buzz. Still, it is expensive and long delays may cause casual viewers to lose interest. Still, I hope this one goes.
GARY UNMARRIED (CBS); Jay Mohr is a sad-sack single Dad trying to adjust to single life when the ex dumps his two kids on him. PREDICTION: the show needs better than it’s premise if it expects to survive.
HOLE IN THE WALL (FOX): what may well be the dumbest idea for a game show EVER. Teams of three try to fit themselves through oddly shaped holes in a Styrofoam wall rushing toward them. PREDICTION: Hole in the Wall leaves a hole in the schedule.
IN HARM’S WAY (CW): another “the title says it all” Reality Series. PREDICTION: cable does it better and has for a long time. Look for a quick exit.
KATH AND KIM: a huge comedy in Australia about a daughter who comes home after only a few weeks of marriage. PREDICTION: I didn’t get My Name is Earl or The Office--and I don’t get this show either. Still, it’ll probably do pretty well--at least for a season or two.
KNIGHT RIDER (NBC): the old warhorse gets yet ANOTHER makeover. PREDICTION: if there’s any justice K.I.T.T. will crash and burn before season’s end and we’ll be spared having to watch any more.
LIFE ON MARS (ABC); a modern-day Police Detective wakes from a coma to find himself in 1973. PREDICTION: ABC must think a lot of this show since it’ gets the “sweet spot” behind Grey’s Anatomy. Still--we saw what happened to Big Shots last year in the same place. I don’t know whether this will be a huge hit or a huge disappointment.
MY OWN WORST ENEMY (NBC): what is it with this season’s thing about “worst” shows? My Own Worst Enemy stars Christian Slater as Henry a mild-mannered accountant AND Edward (a suave, sexy spy) yet they are one and the same! The whole thing seems far-fetched to me (and if you read this Blog regularly you know that’s going some!) but I’ll watch it just to see how they pull it off. PREDICTION: Christian Slater is a fine actor but his “indie film” credits won’t count for much with a mainstream viewing audience so My Own Worst Enemy shoots itself in the head before season’s end.
OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS (ABC): a game show featuring average Americans being asked questions about their own lives--but the show literally comes to them. PREDICTION: the novelty quickly wears off and the show is pulled to make room for new episodes of Wipeout (the improbable hit of last summer.)
PRIVILEGED (CW): Gossip Girl lite--this time set in sunny Palm Beach. PREDICITON: if Gossip Girl and 90210 make it, this show probably will as well.
STYLISTA (CW) yet another reality competition--this time with 11 would-be “Fashion Editors” competing for a job at Elle magazine. Wow! That sounds about as exciting as watching ink dry… PREDICTION: close the book on this turkey at the end of the first cycle.
THE EX LIST (CBS): a twenty-something looks for love among all her many exes. PREDICTION: this show is on at the wrong time to catch on with the desired demographic so draw a line through The Ex List before season’s end.
THE MENTALIST (CBS): a less-fun version of Psych (which has been on for two years.) PREDICTION: won’t catch on with either the “sci fi” or “CSI” crowd so The Mentalist gets swept off stage by February.
VALENTINE (CW): Aphrodite and her kinfolk move to Los Angeles for a romantic comedy. PREDICTION: Sunday night is a “crapfest” on the CW so we know where this show is going even before we seen the first episode!
WORST WEEK (CBS): this show about an engaged man trying to win over his fiancĂ©e’s parents was picked as the season’s “Best New Comedy” by TV Guide. PREDICTION: dunno what the folks at TV Guide but I just can’t see it making a whole season. It may not be the “worst” show on the schedule but this mean-spirited comedy sure ain’t the best!
Check back in late May to see how well I did.
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