Lets get to the really salacious stuff first… Who remembers those pix of Boxing Champ Oscar de la Hoya wearing women’s underwear? (Those that do--how many of you, like me, wish you could forget???) Turns out super-hot Siberian Exotic Dancer (that’s STRIPPER folks!) Milana Dravnel, 22, is filing a ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLAR suit against de la Hoya for alleged fraud, defamation, interference with contract, infliction of emotional distress and undue influence. (Remember folks--SHE was the one who sold the photos and went on every TV Show that would book her.) De la Hoya insists the photos were “doctored” and hasn’t really suffered much because of the scandal.
I wanna know how this broad thinks she can get any cash out of the guy! If indeed, as she alleges, de la Hoya had “fake FBI Agents” harassing her it seems to be a job for the Police--but no! She goes straight for the money? Oh yeah--we all believe she was harassed and intimidated--NOT! In the end this is just another tempest in a teapot. Nobody cares whether Oscar de la Hoya likes to wear women’s undies or not: the only person who should care is Oscar’s wife (and she should care because he was in frolicking in a hotel with a stripper.) As for you Milena--it’s time for you to climb back up your pole and out of our lives babe. Your “fifteen minutes” are definitely over!
Our next tempest involves Lakers Coach Phil Jackson regarding a comment he made after his team was thorough whupped by the San Antonio Sours. (Here’s a link to a story that features the comment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-NLzjcA3kM .) The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) was instantly up-in-arms over the comment as Jackson was quick to apologize. (Use this link to hear Jackson’s apology on ESPN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-m0xfdID34 .) He was quickly reprimanded (but not fined) by the NBA.
So--why is this a “tempest-in-a-teapot” story? It’s true that all professional sports are frankly homophobic (however much they pretend not to be). Phil Jackson though is no more “anti-Gay” then anyone else in Professional Basketball. He was playing to his audiences (and the crowd of reporters certainly laughed). Do we fault him for a lapse in taste and/or judgment? I hope not. GLAAD really needs to save their indignation for something that really matters so their complaints won’t be so diluted. If anyone should be upset it should be for Jackson's half-assed apology. (No consequences equals no contrition.)
Our final “tempest-in-a-teapot” story comes from the John McCain campaign in Hilton Head North Carolina where one of his supporters (Check out this link to view the incident in context http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLQGWpRVA7o .) I wasn’t able to find the name of the woman who made the comment but I saw a bit on Inside Edition where she states she “hates” Hillary Clinton and thinks she is “diabolical”. For McCain’s part he simply looked flustered and tried to laugh it off. He ended up saying he respected “anyone who gets the nomination for the Democratic Party.” A number of groups were quick to criticize him for not denouncing the comment.
Personally, I have to confess that I’ve lost a lot of respect for John McCain after watching him change his stance on several issues dear to my heart just to go after conservative Republican votes. Still, I feel sorry for the guy here: he was clearly caught off guard in an unscripted moment (and I wonder how any of us would do were we caught in the same situation.) I’m saddened that our political process has sunk so law that we (no matter what side we’re on) resort to name-calling. (Come on people! We got over that by the time we were in High School--or at least should have!) I also wonder what those who objected to his comments (or lack thereof) were thinking when they raised a fuss: doing so is just like handing conservative pundits rocks and telling them to chuck away. Not to bright…
But in the end who I really feel sorry for is us as a nation. We’re so wrapped up in our “tempest-in-a-teapot” stories that we don’t even think about the really important things in life. Still--I love these stories and frankly I enjoy getting my dander up about them. Ah well--I guess I’m no better than anyone else. Bring on the sleaze!
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