I just heard a bit news that literally dropped my jaw--so much so that I feel like I needed to “blog” about it! Ultraconservative Televangelist Pat Robertson just announced he is endorsing Rudy Guiliani in the 2008 Presidential election. Why is this so odd? Guiliani is a political moderate--pro “Choice” and in favor of gay rights legislation. Robertson (who once said “Liberal judges are more dangerous to the United States than a few bearded terrorists flying airplanes into skyscrapers”) has political leanings somewhere to the right of Atilla the Hun.
Any political observer worth their salt should be asking themselves “what’s up with this?” Is Robertson and his pals in the Christian Right mellowing their stance on abortion and gay rights? (Yeah right!) Does Robertson think he can “persuade” Guiliani to harden his stance on key issues? (Today’s politics demands a lot of “quid pro quo” so this seems highly likely to me.) Maybe it is simply the fact that Robertson feels Guilani has the best chance to win against Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Why didn’t Robertson go with Mitt Romney who has values right in line with the Christian Right? (Romney is a practicing Mormon, definitely not what Pat Robertson would call a “good” Christian but Guliani is a self-confessed adulterer and much-married. Such a choice for a Christian to have to make!)
Personally, I think Robertson went with Rudy Guiliani for one reason and one reason alone. He thinks Guiliani can WIN! I don’t respect Robertson’s political views but I always believed he was committed to his concept of Christianity (however warped I think it might be). But with this move Robertson has sold out his own values and proven himself just to be another politico wrapping himself in the Bible to achieve his own ends. Whatever his reasoning, I’m sure this latest development will make for an interesting Presidential race in 2008.
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