Today Fan Yang world-renowned (according to his press at least) “Bubble Scientist” was to have enclosed an Asian Elephant in a gigantic soap bubble at the Discovery Science Center here in Santa Ana CA. It was to have been a “world record attempt” and would have been a nice little bit of press for both Yang and the D.S.C. But the venue decided to cancel the even because of strenuous protests from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The PETA People said the stunt was "cruel" and "exploitive." (although for the life of me I can't figure out how that mgiht be.)
The Discovery Science Center reportedly received thousands of e-Mails and letters (2500 and a bit) including one form former Game Show Host and Animal Activist Bob Barker. The D.S.C. said they canceled the even not because of the danger to the animal but because of potential trouble in the audience. (PETA and their fringe-y followers threatened to protest at the event.)
Please, don’t get me wrong--I LOVE animals--I really do! I volunteer with an animal rescue group and I support wildlife conservation. Groups like the SPCA and even PETA have done great things for animal advocacy--like trying to stop cosmetics testing on live animals, bringing attention to deplorable conditions in slaughterhouses, protesting the mass killing of whales and dolphins and even bringing attention to abuses that go into raising veal. Still, as with any group of fanatics--it’s entirely too easy to hop on the train to Crazyville. Sadly, this is one of those situations. If I could see ANY good potential harm to the elephant I’d be objecting but, try as I might, I can’t think of any reason it could be harmful. Fer Gossakes people! It’s a friggin’ gigantic BUBBLE! Can someone, ANYONE explain how this could possibly be harmful???
It always saddens me when institutions give in to pressure from the media or extremist groups. I’m also saddened that so many people can be so gullible. It’s nice that so many people CARE but I really wish more of said people would get informed raising such a ruckus. The bubble show would have been a pleasant, harmless diversion that given many children to “wildlife” that they wouldn’t otherwise have had the chance to see (and maybe encouraged them to protect.) The absolute worst part of a story like this is that it emboldens the crazies to more excess. And it’s too bad. Bubbles are such fun . . .
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