Eliot Spitzer graduated from Harvard Law School at the top of his class--so how is that he can be the dumbest man on the planet? Unless you’ve been living under a rock you know that he has been identified as using a prostitute. At present he hasn’t been indicted although he’s as much as admitted violating the Mann Act. (For those of you who don‘t know the Mann Act makes it illegal to “transport girls across state lines for immoral purposes.) Will he resign? Yep--it’s either that or face impeachment by Republican Congressmen. Will he face charges? Likely: I don’t think Republicans will pass up the opportunity to drag a high-profile Democrat through the mud. Still, if Spitzer is hung it won’t be for soliciting prostitution. (”Johns“ rarely face the same legal trouble as the girls who provide the service--but that‘s a subject for another post.) In the end though, that’s not important: I just want to know what he was thinking!
Spitzer had a reputation for being “squeaky clean.” He was described as the “Sheriff of Wall Street” because of his vigorous prosecution of high-profile financial crimes. It was even rumored that he could one day be the first Jewish President of the United States. Now that is all in ruins because of a dalliance with a $1,000 an hour hooker. To add insult to injury his “tryst” took place the on February 13th--the just before Valentine’s Day.
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This dude was a Federal Prosecutor for God’s sake! How did he think he could get away with this? I think more than anything else this is what I’d like to know. Is he a sex addict? (News reports indicate he liked to engage in “unsafe” behavior and that he spent upward of $80,000 on prostitutes so that seems to indicate a pathology. Did his addiction simply blind him with a sense of his own untouchability? (If he truly is a sex addition that is the likely answer.) Did he consider the consequences of his own actions? Did he think of how this would affect his wife and three teenage daughters? (Sex addicts never consider the ramifications of their actions--but powerful people never do in any case.)
Look at the video and pictures of Silda Spitzer with her husband: she’s seriously pissed off. Will the marriage survive once he’s out of office? (Right now I wouldn’t bet on it.) What I find sadder than anything else about this sordid story is the focus on her. Whether she “stands by her man” or divorces him--she still loses: the public and media will still criticize her.
In the end I suppose we’ll have to wait for the inevitable “tell all” book to have those questions answered: whether we’ll be able to trust the answers is another matter entirely (but one for another day.) I doubt Spitzer will ever recover from this debacle: his political career is over and he’ll never hold a high-profile job again. Still, he’ll get along somehow.
Was it worth it, Eliot? I hope that girl rocked your world because you seriously torpedoed yourself. Sexual Addiction is a serious problem but it’s no excuse for bad behavior. A truly ironic footnote in this sad affair is that Spitzer was caught by a probe he initiated. That’s almost funny.
Repeat after me. Eliot Spitzer is a big fat idiot!
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