Monday, August 1, 2011

Now That's A Superhero Movie!!!

Captain America would never be caught in paisley--unless maybe it was Patriotic Paisley (today's fractal cookie).  And obviously, I'll be reviewing Captain America The First Avenger--so on with the review!
I've never been a big fan of Captain America in the comics: didn't hate him--but didn't love him either.  Honestly, that's pretty much what I expected from the movie as well: imagine my surprise when I found that Captain America the First Avenger had both grit and heart.  Of course, it doesn't hurt that the movie has a can't-miss plot where the hero finds the strength to do great deeds that ends in the ultimate sacrifice.  (Want to know more?  Go see the movie!)
Chris Evans (in the title role) was made for this role: he has the look (and the CGI that transforms him into a 98 pound weakling is nothing short of spectacular).  He walks the fine line between cheesy overacting and stoically underplaying the character and always makes the right decision for the scene.  Haley Atwell (Peggy Carter) doesn't fare quite as well.  Still, that's more the fault of the script that requires her to go from icy badass to lovestruck damsel.  Hugo Weaving is everything you could ask for in a scene-chewing Nazi but his Red Skull makeup could have been a bit more gruesome and frightening.  (Still, they kept the look consistent with the comic character so I suppose I shouldn't complain.  The rest of the supporting cast does a fine job and I can't find fault with the sets, costumes or special effects.
If you like superhero movies you are sure to love Captain America, the First Avenger.  There's plenty of action to keep the adrenaline junkie happy and even war movie fans can find a lot to enjoy here.  The movie has a retro-quality that appeals to older folks but isn't so dated that it'll turn off the younger generation.  Yeah, there are a few points that make some serious-minded folk wine, but hey, it's a summer blockbuster.  That's expected.  Captain America will transfer to the small screen but it deserves to be seen in a theater.  As with most movies there's no need to pay the extra money to see it in 3D.
Still, I couldn't end this review in good conscience without mentioning the "credit cookie" at the end of the movie.  Cap gets transformed into a moody, angst-filled character that, for me at least, didn't quite mesh with the rest of the movie.  I worry that next year's Avengers movie will be so bloated by the many characters feeding in from other movies that he won't a chance to redeem the character.  Still, I guess I'll have to wait until May 2012 to find out how it all turns out.  Meanwhile, there's nothing left but to give this movie a final grade.

1 comment:

Vendla said...

I really REALLY want to see this movie...well, that and the Cowboys vs. Aliens movie.

After reading your preview...gonna count my shekels in a strong effort to go see Captain America on the big screen.