Since this post is about Osama bin Laden I doubt it surprises anyone I chose one of my "Arabic" fractals. I picked Squared Arabic 124 because the predominant red color signifies blood (although I would have prefered a red, black and white color palette--but I didn't have one of those). I chose one of the "Squared" series because now the USA is (at least somewhat) "squared" with al Qida. Now--on with the commentary.
Let us all join in a rousing chorus of "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" (Ding Dong OSAMA'S dead! We put a bullet in his head! Ding dong we're glad bin Laden's dead...) Am I happy with it? Honestly, not really. I'm glad he's gone and the folk directly involved in the September 11 tragedy finally have some closure. I hope this will start a positive turn in the war on terror (although I have grave doubts). Frankly, I fear that the death will further inflame Islamic Fundamentalists and create a new wave of terror.
Does bin Laden's death signal the end of al Quida? Don't bet on it: there are plenty of other crazies out there ready and willing to take up where he left off. And honestly, I worry that the death will push more young Islamic men into terrorist organizations. I just pray that in this I'm proven wrong.
There are a couple of things that really disturb me about this story: it turns out that Osama bin Laden wasn't living in a cave on the Pakistan/Afganistan border but had a mansion about a thousand feet from the walls of the Pakistani equivelant of West Point. And worse--he'd been there for SEVERAL YEARS! Can you believe that??? How did our "friends" in Pakistan MISS that??? I can't prove it (and I doubt nobody else ever will) but I am--sure as I'm sittin' here--that folks high up in the Paki Military and Inteligence communities knew and didn't bother to share the info. (If they aren't sharing stuff like that--what else are they keeping from us?)
I also find it disturbing that "enhanced interrogation techniques" (that's "Torture" in Politically-Correctspeak) were used on Guantanamo Bay "Detainees" to get the info the led to the raid on bin Laden's compound. One one level I think the "good people" of the USA should hold themselves to a higher standard
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