You knew I was going to talk about the nonsese about the once-and-future Rapture eventually! I tried to resist--really I did but the dude just--won't--go--away! Naturally, since we're talking religion (however peripherally) I had to go to the Stained Glass series for your fractal cookie. I chose Stained Glass 59 for today's post because the black and white colors represent the two opposite viewpoints and the spikes represent the thorniness of the issue. (OK, that's all BS: I picked it 'cause I think it's a cool picture!) Now--on with today's rant!
I've always been secretly fascinated by predictions of the future: it started back in grade school when a local Pastor predicted that God would send a great earthquake that would sink California into the sea--drowning millions. (I don't remember the man's name but, in his defense, he wasn't the only one making the prediction back then.) I remember several kids in my class moving out with families selling everything so they would be safe from the destruction. Well, needless to say the "Big One" never came. Neither did Y2K or any other "end of days" prophecies.
Harold Camping made a big splash predicting the world would end on May 21 at 6:00 PM Eastern Time. Needless to say--he was wrong... His web site (which had a "Countdown to Judgement Day" Clock) quickly scrubbed any mention of his Judgement Day prediction. Still, the guy couldn't leave well enough alone: he had to put himself back into the barrel for another round of ridicule. He recently announced that he was wrong because of a "mathematical error" and that the world will REALLY end on October 21. (Dunno if he predicted a time.) Further, we've already had our "spiritual Jugement Day" which has placed the world under Christ's judgement. What I find particularly funny is that he said there was now no longer any need to warn people since the judgement has been accomplished--yet Family Radio Network continues to broadcast.
The sad part of the story is all the people who spent their own money (in some cases most of their retirement savings) to publicize the upcoming Rapture that never happened. You have to wonder how many other good (gullible) folks did foolish (and maybe dangerous) things because of this prediction. You also have to wonder how many potential Christians were turned away because this idiot had to shoot off his mouth in such a massively public way. (Is Harold Camping doing Satan's work? YOU decide!!!)
Mr. Camping didn't come across as particularly humbled by his gaffe. His "I wasn't really wrong" didn't win him any friends. Will he repent when the world isn't destroyed on October 21? I kind of doub it. I have to wonder if he has some sort of neurotic need to make a public spectacle of himself and I don't think he cares about the collateral damage.
So now I get to wait until October 21 for the world to end--and December 21, 2012 when the Mayan calendar says the world will end. But--remember this. In case of Rapture this blog will probably keep on publishing!
'nuff said.
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