Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just Say It Already Dammit!

Today's fractal "cookie" is Shadowrose.  I picked it because it is a fairly simple, black-and-white image--quite similar to the issue on which I will be ranting.  That being said, lets get on with it, shall we?
Saw something on this today's Good Morning America (2/17/11) that I found equally fascinating and horrifying.  George Stephanopolous interviewed Congressman (and Tea Party Caucus head honcho) Michelle Bachmann (R-MN).  Most of the commentary was pretty much "business as usual" (which I honestly don't have a problem with) but there were a couple of things which really made my head want to explode.  Here's a link to the entire interview: .  First she was asked about her criticism of First Lady Michelle Obama advocating breast feeding to prevent obesity, (stating it promoted a "Nanny State").  When asked about the commentary Bachmann turned it into some strange diatribe on "Governmental Social Engineering" and the Tax Code--without really answering the question.  (I get not wanting "governmental social engineering" but I just don't get why anyone--Republican or Democrat--would object to the First Lady coming out in favor of breast feeding.)
Shortly afterward she was asked about the "Birther" issue.  For those of you living under a rock, this is the prevalent belief among a lot of folks--primarily Republican but not exclusively--that President Obama wasn't born in the United States (making him not a citizen) and isn't a Christian.  (A recent poll had 58% of Republicans in Iowa actually believing this nonsense.)  Although asked several times, Bachmann dodged the issue, refusing to give a direct answer.  While researching this post I found another clip (this one from Larry King Live) where she pretty much did the same thing.  (For those of you who doubt me, check it out here: ).  Her answer was "I have to take the President at his word"--which addresses without answering the question.
The issues aside (although there's material for several posts in there), I'm getting thoroughly disgusted with Politicians who simply don't seem to be able to give straight answers to direct questions.  I first noticed this during the last Vice Presidential Debates (Sarah Palin was notorious for this.)  Sadly, the disease seems to be catching on in all candidates.  What on Earth is wrong with answering a direct question with a simple "yes I do" or "no I don't"?  Has the fear of "offending their base" become so prevalent that no Politician will go on record for anything--no matter how basic?  (In the case of Obama's citizenship it's a matter of Public Record NOT opinion.)  
It's mind-boggling to me that we even have to be discussing this in this day and age.  Facts are facts and there shouldn't be a need for equivocation.  I'd love to go back to good old days where Politicians just said what they thought but, sadly, I guess this won't happen.
Think about it.
'nuff said.  

1 comment:

Tigger said...

During her candidacy and later on when she was a running mate with Mr. McLain, Miss Palin did display an amazing quantity of ignorance and arrogance. This gal should not be in a public office.

As for the gal that got the interview- methinks she was just a kind of troll!