Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Putting The "Duh" In "Dumb" (dare I say it) PART DUH!

I chose Squared Arabic 30 as today's fractal image mainly because it's a cool image and because I think the color is a little like a tiger.  Why is that important?  Check out today's post to find out!
It seems that "photo follies" aren't restricted to the Republican side of the Congressional aisle.  Now Representative David Wu (D-OR) has his own "scandalette" to deal with.  For reasons unknown and unexplained (other than by "I wasn't in a good place then") the man sent photos of himself wearing a tiger costume (at 1:00 AM from his private congressional account).  Yesterday I had a good link to the story from The Washington Post but I can't find it today: still--here's a link to their follow-up on the story. .
IMHO this wasn't as "white trash" as the married congressman who sent shirtless pix of himself to a woman not his wife but it's still decidedly DUMB!  In the Post article Wu says "I think a take-home lesson from this is while they were very, very unprofessional, you shouldn't ever send photographs of yourself in a Halloween costume."  Dude--duh!  This sort of things makes folks question your judgement: if you do something this dumb in one aspect of your professional life (not matter how stressful your personal life might be) it's going to cause repercussions.
Wu said he sought "professional help" for his trouble and I truly hope he did.  Dunno anything about the guy (other than that he's a 7 term Congressman from his district--which means the folk ther like him).  Still, this is truly stupid: luckily for him stupidity isn't a criminal offense--otherwise this guy would be doing a looon stretch in the hoosegow.  Let's hope he gets better.
'nuff said.

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