Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Vampires Suck: the Movie Doesn't *

I think Bloodrose is a good image for a review of a vampire movie--even if said movie IS a parody.  So--now you know why I chose it lets move on with the review!
If there is a genre more ripe for parody than the current fascination with Vampires I don't know what it could be.  So I suppose it was inevitable that a movie like Vampires Suck would be relased.  Surprisingly enough, the movie doesn't (*at least not totally).
Parody is simple: GOOD parody is considerably harder.  A good part of the time Vampires Suck is on the good side by copying the tone of the Twilgiht franchise to perfection.  This movie is aimed squarely at those who eat, sleep and breathe the Stephanie Miller vamps: the movie makers have gone out of their way to copy the style and even the movie sets of the Twilght movies.  The "Twi-hards" in the theater with us (of which there were many) got all the jokes and LOVED it.  Yes, there were some seriously cringeworthy moments in the movie but the good far outweighs the bad.  (I particularly loved the send-up of the homoerotic elements of the werewolf culture--but I'm just sick that way.)
The no-name cast does at least as well as the Twilght kids: they play their parts with earnestness and just the right amount of disdain.  Everyone involved throws themselves into their roles with abandon (gay and otherwise) and seems to have a good time.  The FX are close to being on par with the Twilght movies (even if that's not saying much) and the script pretty much is too.  This movie is hardly a classic for the ages (or even for 2010) but it's a fun little diversion to while away a long afternoon or evening.  Go check it out--especially if you're a "Twi-hard!"


Vendla said...

Considering how you feel about vampires in general, I am a bit surprised (and amused) that you would go see this movie. If you found it that amusing I may have to rework my budget to go see it as well.

BTW....dear bruvver...we miss you in Elysium. When you coming home???

Baron von Renable said...

Robyn wanted to go see it and since it was her birthday--what could I do...?

Re: Elysimum--I'm still stressing about Real World issues (as you can probably see from my blog posts.) Much more than "point and click" is beyond me these days. If you feel the need to boot me I'll understand.

Vendla said...

Boot you? NO WAY!!!!! You're part of the Elysium family, and are dearly loved!