Today's post is a rant about lingerie so naturally my mind went directly to an image that was pink and frothy. Lacey Star seemed like the prefect fit--that being said, on with the rant!
Yesterday I saw something on our local news that I found rather disheartening. It seems ABC and Fox refused to air a commerical for Lane Bryant featuring "plus size" models in lingerie. Both Networks cited "inappropriate content". Said "inappropriate content" was the fact that the girls strutting around in their undies weren't your typical "Size O" sticks one usually sees in lingerie ads. If you haven't seen the commercial I've included a link for you to check it out. (You probably should take a look.)
Dunno about you but I don't find anything "inappropriate" in the content. Yes, the models show a lot of clevage but so what? Who cares. Victoria's Secret shows as much skin (if not more) and nobody complains! Fox Execs caved when Lane Bryant pointed out that there content was no different or more revealing than a comparable Victoria's Secret ad but ABC refused to run the ad on Dancing With The Stars.
So--what's up with this? Are ABC Executives enforcing a double standard? (In the words of The Prophet--"well duh!") This action sends a message that somehow it's not OK to be OK with your size. (Yes, I know there are health issues to consider but there are a lot of women who will NEVER be a Size 4--no matter how hard they work out and diet.) Some statistics say that over 60% of American women are Size 14 or above. Why would ABC want to disenfranchise a majority of their audience? I have no idea. I mean--come on people! Have you seen the costumes they wear on Dancing With The Stars? (And that includes Niecy Nash--who ain't no "skinny minnie" herself.)
Me, I like the curvy girls. (I could make a crack about "more cushion for the pushin'"--but that woudl be inappropriate.) In this day and age I thought we'd have come a little bit fartehr than to discriminate against people just because they don't fit a very narrow definitiion of beauty. (I doubt many men woukd kick these girls out of bed.) Boo ABC! I hope Lane Bryant pulss ALL their ads (and that other companies follow suit).
-nuff said.
I got an e-Mail from my friend Mary Lou Andrews commenting on this post. With her permission I am publishing what she said here.
"...may I thank you for your latest rant. I had not heard about this controversy and it was especially heartening to have a man stand up for us plus-sized ladies. A commercial like that can go a long way to help inspire confidence in a woman, especially a young woman, who isn't a size 4 - and in this society we need all the positive reinforcement we can get. A pox upon the stupid networks for not understanding at least that not-size-4s spend money at places like Lane Bryant and they can make money from their advertising."
I saw the commercial and honestly cannot see what all the fuss is about!
Heavens I think I might have been a size 4 when I was ...oh....ten years old!
The Goddess is in every form of beauty. And beauty comes in ALL sizes!
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