Last Sunday morning our Minister Rev. Jim Hickman gave a sermon called "Just Say Thank You." I found it to be particularly interesting since I'm a big believer in saying "thank you" when someone does something nice for me (at least usually). Still, I think it's a good thing to publicly thank those people who have particularly impacted my life this year--or who just need thanking!
First and foremost I need to thank Robyn: thank you my dearest love for all that you do--for all that you are--for putting up with me when I'm at my worst. Because of you I am a better and happier person. You make my world a better, happier place to me. I love you more today than the day I met you.
The rest of these "thank yous" are in no particular order (so please don't feel slighted if your thank you comes later rather than sooner...)
Thanks to my Sisters, Wanda, Jane, Andrea and Tanya for putting up with me and supporting me. My wish for the future is that we would be closer as a family. Thanks also to Alison Young and Andrea Pitzenbarger. You are my "sisters from another Mister and I an truly blessed to have you in my life.
Thanks to Eris Young for giving me hope in the next generation.
Thanks to Angela Rosser and the Corona UMC Choir for putting up with my s--- at rehearsals. Thanks to her daughter Victoria for NOT beaning me every time I call her "Whatsit" (because I always keep spacing on her name!) Thanks to Doug Crouse for singing with the group so I have someone to follow. Thanks to Margaret Crouse for being a friend and mentor to Robyn. Thanks to Guy Parks for being as big a distraction as I am and thanks to Janet Parks and Mary Lou Andrews for all their kind words when I force my singing on an unsuspecting audience.
Thanks to Sarah Palin for penning the best fantasy of the year.
Thanks to everyone involved with the Star Trek reboot: I loved the old stuff but your reinvention has brought something wonderful to an old favorite and made me remember why I loved the series so much.
Thanks to the makers of "V" for making an endless crapfest concept into something actually watchable (and making me suspend my disbelief in the face of all the obvious questions that rise from the concept.)
Thanks to Straight No Chaser for reminding me that good thing come from the strangest circumstances.
Thanks to everyone at Cardinale Way VW/Hyundai for making our first purchase of a brand new car such an easy thing. (And thanks also to "Madame Gres" for being such a good car.)
Thanks to Wendy for the apology: it meant more than you'll ever know. Thanks also to "Little" John Pyle, his son Jason and their family for taking the albatross from around Robyn's neck. Thanks to Aunt Sharon Pyle for making us welcome into their home so often.
Thanks to Facebook for allowing me to reconnect with old friends in a new way. Love you Terra!
Thanks to my friends in Elysium, the "Legion" games and I-T for putting up with me this past year. My "writer's block" and emotional upheavals probably caused you all no end of annoyance. I truly appreciate your understanding and support. Thanks especially to my e-Sisters "Jana", "Tigger" and "Dragon" for all the support they've given me in the past year.
Thanks to all the nameless individuals out there who showed us kindness and went the extra mile for a stranger. I only hope that one day the same comes to you.
Thanks to all of you who took a few minutes to drop in and take a look at my blog. I hope I've made you smile a bit or maybe think.
Last, but certainly not least, Thanks to God for the many blessings in my life, continued good health and all the good things that have come my way. I am blessed and humbled by the bounty that has been given me.
I wish the same for you.
It most certainly did leave me with a smile. And thank you for some of the inspiration I've had recently!
Sweetheart you were there for me through thick and thin with Gerry's illness, and subsequent death. Even willing, if I needed, to fly out to be with me.
You are my big bruvver, and I will always be here for you.
Sweetheart you were there for me through thick and thin with Gerry's illness, and subsequent death. Even willing, if I needed, to fly out to be with me.
You are my big bruvver, and I will always be here for you.
I know as a family we don't always get together as much as we should but hopefully we can change that for the future! I love you little brother and don't ever forget that!! Love from your sis
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