As of today (February 5) Nadia (sp?) Suleman has been released from the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Bellflower (California) and promptly went to ground without speaking to anyone. Rumor has it that she’s “looking for the right offer” before she tells her story and releases pictures of the precious little tots. Sources claim she wants two million dollars for the story and exclusive pics and other “sources say she wants a TV talk show. Is it true--nobody knows but we DO know she’s hired not ONE but TWO Publicists to help her navigate this troubled river. (Why she didn’t hire a psychologist for some major counseling is beyond me--but I suppose that’s a topic for another time…)
I’m not a member of the press but I have a few questions. Here’s the first one--Nadia honey--have you lost your mind??? No, let me rephrase that--when did you lose your mind?
Here are some other questions… What made you think being a divorced single mother (living with your parents no less) who already HAD six kids (and no visible means of support) that having more babies was a good idea? How did you think you were going to raise 14 kids? Did you consider how this would impact the kids you already have and your poor parents who got sucked into the middle of this? How ’bout the neighbors who have TV trucks from all over the world parked on their street 24-7? Where did you find a fertility specialist to implant 8 embryos (and where did you get the money to pay for the procedure?) Did you really think your friends, neighbors and the community would actually support you in this crazy endeavor? Did you really expect to get a TV Deal and major fame from birthing a litter? And last but not least--did you think you and your “little” family would end up as anything BUT some sort of sick sideshow?
I guess we’re going to have to wait for the book/magazine spread/Oprah Interview to get all the answers but personally I suspect Ms. Suleman didn’t think about anything other than the fact that she wanted more babies. Does she have some sort of psychological condition that should be looked into? Honestly I don’t know (although I think maybe she does). I’m pretty sure the public won’t embrace her and her family as anything more than a curiosity but I could be wrong. I suppose I can understand her reticence about giving up some of the unborn children once it was clear that they all “took” but I simply can’t fathom why she (or any reasonable medical professional) would allow this to happen in the first place. Honestly I wish Ms. Suleman and her brood nothing but the best but I just don’t see their lives ending up like that.
‘nuff said.
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