So the 2008 Summer Movie season has kicked off with a bang as Iron Man blasted into theaters and made well over a hundred million dollars domestically. Still, two days later I’m still not sure how I feel about the movie. (I liked it well enough but did I really love it?) The FX are suitably dazzling (a must for a summer blockbuster) and the actors all turn in fine jobs. Still, the movie has no surprises (except for one REALLY BIG twist literally at the end of the movie) and you can hear the plot clanking along like a heavy metal monster all the way through the movie. I also don’t know whether the Tony Stark character was “dumbed down” or if the writers are simply waiting to introduce those elements in a later movie. Ah well--on with the synopsis. (I’d like to say I’ll review the movie on its own merits--and not try not to compare it to the source material but I know that’ll never happen.)
Tony Stark (nicely played by Robert Downey Jr.) has been transformed from the tortured alcoholic he was in the comics to an enfant terrible Weapons Master (which works for this movie). In a singularly dumb movie Tony decides (for reasons unexplained) to head off to Iraq in order to display his latest weapon of mass destruction. He ends up being captured by a multinational terrorist group who hold him prisoner and demand he build them a WMD of their own (in a cave stocked with all kinds of nice parts and even an assistant who helps awaken Tony’s conscience.) Our hero builds a prototype Iron Man suit and uses it to escape (thoughtfully leaving all his plans behind for later use by the bad guys.) Triumphantly returning to America our hero decides to move his company in a more “peaceful” direct (with predictable results). Lifelong family friend Obadiah Stane (played by Jeff Bridges--looking and acting like a bald Teddy Bear) promises to “smooth over” everything. But Obi has other motives . . . If you want the rest of the plot you’ll have to go see the movie.
Some of the movie moves a little slow for me: IMHO they spend way too much time in the cave building the prototype.) Still, Robert Downey Jr. really inhabits his role and brings a certain magic particularly in intimate scenes with his secretary and proto-love-interest Pepper Potts (Gweneth Paltrow in a strawberry-blonde dye job). Still, it bugs me a little when scripts make obviously dumb choices (but if they didn’t there wouldn’t be much of a movie).
Iron Man isn’t a movie for the ages--but it’s a pretty darn good movie for the summer. Check your brain at the door and enjoy the eye candy. Intense fans of the comic book may be a bit disappointed in the simplification of the origin (although I was OK with it). It’s a good summer movie, nothing more, nothing less.
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