So it’s been a year since I started my blog. In that year…
* the Dixie Chicks released an album to much critical acclaim (and general audience disdain). They may still well be the most hated group in country music. Even more than Big and Rich or the gay country singer--and that’s going some!
* Anna Nicole Smith’s death (and the fate of her baby DanI Lynn) was a national obsession--at least until Lindsey Lohan had her troubles. That lasted until Britney Spears had her meltdown. Tablid TV did some embarassingly exploitive on the first anniversary of her deth. Let's hope they don't do it again next year.
* the Iraq War continues (but rarely gets covered in American media).
* the 22 Freeway was finished (finally!) It’s a nice drive now. Even the freeway art looks cool.
* Jeffrey Nielsen made a plea deal before a second trial.
* the family of slain Army Sergeant (and former NFL Player) Pat Tillman who was killed in Aphganistan testified before Congress condemning the military’s failure to truthfully report on his death.
* Jordan Sparks won the last round of American Idol: her album isn’t doing well. Former “Idols” Reuben Studdard, Taylor Hicks and Katherine McPhee were all dropped by their record labels. Dunno what Howard Stern plans to do with this year’s contest…
* Rosie O’Donnell left the view after one too many fights with Elizabeth Hasselbeck. She (Rosie) seems bound and determined to travel the road to Wackyville at breakneck speed. (Hasselbeck took a few months off to pop out baby number two but is back carrying the banner of all things Right Wing on The View--regardless of any facts brought up to her.)
* Don Imus was fired from his national radio show and CNBC Simalcast. Later re-hired by a NYC Radio Station. He doesn’t have a national contract--not yet at least
The national debate on who CAN and CANNOT say what continues.
* Paris Hilton did her 45 days and promptly went back to partying. At least she hasn’t been arrested again…
* the couple involved in my “Adventure in 9-1-1” moved away: I don't know how their story ended.
* there was no political fallout from President Bush’s pardon of “Scooter” Libby. (On some level though I suppose there didn’t really need to be: “Dubya” has plenty of other troubles to deal with…)
* Lindsey Lohan finally completed her Rehab and seems to be doing better--save for a single New Year’s Eve relapse… Michael Vick will be going to prison shortly: his dogs will be staring in a “National Geographic Channel” TV series.
* disgraced former Senator Larry Craig of Idaho failed to get his conviction overturned by the Minnesota State Supreme Court. His cause was taken up by the ACLU. Their tack--asserting that under Minnesota State Law Craig had the RIGHT to engage in sexual behavior in the bathroom stall due to a “reasonable expectation of privacy.”
* a strike by the Writers Guild of America derailed the TV season for 07-08. The strike was settled February 12 and some television series will be back in four to eight weeks but many won’t return until next fall--if at all.
* indicted Orange County Sherriff Mike Corona placed himself on administrative leave (at full pay) for two months then retired (at 90% pay) so he could accept free services form a high-priced law firm. His wife Deborah recently had a major charge against her removed from her indictment. On February 13 his high-priced attorneys filed to have several charges dismissed on the grounds the indictments weren’t specific enough. It’s so nice to see a champion of justice weasel his way out of trouble: it really reinforces my faith in our Judicial System and those who are supposed to protect us. <
* Duane “Dog” Chapman has had his series canceled and since faded into obscurity--along with the rest of his family.
* with Rudy Guliani out of the Presidential race Pat Robertson will have to find a new candidate to endorse. Will he go with “Rhino” John McCain or throw his support behind lost cause Mike Huckabee? Interesting choice for a fundamentalist Christian to have to make…
* the “Post Awful” and I continue to have unfortunate adventures. I think those people have it in for me.
* The Golden Compass was Number One at the Box Office for one week then quickly sank like a stone. There probably won’t be a sequel--which is too bad. I really enjoyed the movie.
* Mitt Romney suspended his campaign--pretty much withdrawing from the presidential race on February 4 (“for the good of the party”--effectively making John McCain the Republican Candidate for President in 2008. (Turns out a lot of Americans simply aren‘t ready for a Mormon President--even if his politics closely match theirs) This development allows the Republicans to get a jump on starting a national campaign while the Democrats are still fighting for determine who will be their candidate. McCain clinched the nomination with solid wins in the "Patomic Primaries" on February 12.
So--did I learn anything with this past year’s blogging? Actually I did:
* I learned that people actually READ this thing--not just friends and family. Sometimes they comment so I have to be careful what I say here…
* I had fun writing it (especially the reviews) and Robyn was glad I got my political bile off my chest in a constructive manner so that was to the good as well. Hope you enjoyed it all and will keep reading--AND thinking!
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