Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Finally Got Around To Seeing The Monday

I chose Thread as the fractal cookie for my review of The Avengers because of the near impossible task of weaving several storylines into one seamless whole.  (Wow, short and sweet today!)  So--on with the review!
Logic dictates The Avengers should have been a completely awful movie.  The writers had the Herculean task of combining two Iron Man movies, any number of Hulk flicks, Thor AND Captain America as well as adding and developing two new characters (Black Widow and Hawkeye).  That many stories alone (not to mention all the Hollywood egos in play) should have made it beyond awful.  But, wonder of wonders, the movie actually turned out to be pretty darn good.  True, The Avengers is not without its flaws--the movie is way to "talky" and the 2 1/2 hour run time is a bit butt-numbing,  There are a number of plot holes that should be obvious to even a baby.  (Still, the whole script uses the convention of "comic book logic" and they do it to perfection.)  The FX and fight scenes are first rate--just the thing for a summer popcorn flick. 
Mark Ruffalo finally brings the right note of nebbish to the role of Bruce Banner (not seen since the late Bill Bixby played the role of TV). His "nerd with issues" is completely believable.  Of course Robert Downy Jr. gets the best wisecracks and Chris Evans as Captain America hits the right notes of sincerity and dedication.  IMO Chris Hemsworth underplays Thor a bit and of all the plot lines his gets the least attention.  I liked Scarlet Johansen as the Black Widow while Jeremy Renner did the best he could with what little he was given as Hawkeye.  (That being said I found myself wondering what these two were doing with the rest of the lineup.)  Clark Gregg (who has been Agent Phil Coulson in pretty much every one of the previous films that went in to create The Avengers) needs a special mention for his performance.  (See the movie to find out why--not spoilers here.)
The Anvengers isn't quite the perfect movie but it's loads of fun for action fans and those who love super heroes.  There's no need to see it in 3D but the broad sweep of the scenes deserve to be seen on the big screen--and the bigger the better.  Check your brain at the door and enjoy!

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