Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Checking The Crystal Ball: TV 2011-2012

So it's that time again--time to see how well my predictions for the 2011-12 TV Seasons did.  I chose Crystal Flower for today's fractal cookie because I don't think I've used it before and it was the closest thing I could find to a crystal ball.  Now--on with the results!
2 BROKE GIRLS: I hoped the show would do well but feared the worst since new comedies have such a high failure rate.  RESULT: the show was the highest rated show of the season.
A GIFTED MAN: I didn't think the Network would stick with it for more than a Season and I was right. 
ALLEN GREGORY: I thought this show would be more fun than it turned out to be but I predicted it would have a bumpy ride.   The show never made it past midseason.
CHARLIE'S ANGELS: I had no idea how well the show would do (although I thought it would do better than it did.)  The "Angels" took flight off the schedule early.
FREE AGENTS: I had "no clue" how well the show would do but I said the signs didn't "bode well" and I was right.  Despite Hank Azaria and some other A List cast the show died early.
GCB: I was really looking forward to Good Christian Bitches (the first title) but the Evangelical Right wing got up in arms even before the air.  Ten episodes aired starting in April but that's all she wrote.  Too bad--GCB was a worthy successor to Desperate Housewives.
GRIMM and ONCE UPON A TIME: two shows with a fairy tale theme but with different takes.  I liked both based on the previews but thought hey were too quirky to survive on network television.  Luckily I was wrong.  Grimm and Once Upon A Time continue their network run (although honestly I don't know how much longer "Once" can keep it up. 
H8R: I thought he show would last a year but I was wrong.  It ended after a few episodes.
HART OF DIXIE: I predicted the show would be "transplanted to Cancellation Land" but it looks like it survived for a second season.
HOW TO BE A GENTLEMAN: I said I hoped the show would die early and it did.  Yay!  (IMHO it was one of the worsts shows on television since My Mother The Car.)
I HATE MY TEENAGE DAUGHTER: I said "it's not the teenage daughter the audience hates--it's the show!" and that it would leave early.  Turns out the show wasn't horrible.  Still, thanks to a late start and being bounced on and of the schedule the show didn't last.  Too bad.
LAST MAN STANDING: I predicted this show wouldn't be standing by season's end but I was wrong.  It wasn't a ratings blockbuster but it did well enough to earn another year.
MAN UP: I said Man Up goes down early and it did--the show disappeared before November sweeps.
NEW GIRL: I had high hopes for this show but I thought it might be a bit too quirky for network television.  I said "New Girl doesn't grow old on television" but happily I was wrong.  Audiences really embraced the "adorkable" Jess Day and her three roomies.
PAN AM: I thought his looked great but I didn't think it would survive the season.  The show started with massive ratings (and continued to do well internationally) but failed to make it past February.
PERSON OF INTEREST: I predicted the show would last at least a year--and it did.
REVENGE: I predicted the audience would "take revenge" on the show and send it packing early but I was wrong.  Revenge turned out to be everybody's mid-week guilty pleasure--including mine.  That being said I don't know how much longer the writers can keep spinning out the plot before the whole thing collapses under its own weight.
SUBURGATORY: I said "forget Purgatory--this show goes to Hell early" and boy was I wrong.  Yeah it had a soft berth between The Middle and Modern Family but the show is pretty good on its own.
THE PLAYBOY CLUB: I predicted "this 'club' will close early" and it left the schedule after only two episodes.  It was the first show cancelled of the season.
THE SECRET CIRCLE: I predicted "the 'Circle' will be broken by season's end"--and it was.  Another show about witchcraft bites the dust. 
THE X FACTOR: I said this was going to be one of the few "sure hits" of the season but boy was I wrong!  X Factor failed to pull in ratings but it still managed to get a second season (with two new Judges).  Too many people spent too much money to let the show fail.  Still, I wonder how well it will do next year... 
TERRA NOVA: the prediction that "this show will vanish into the mists of time after one season" wasn't quite accurate.  It only made half that.  Terra Nova was just too expensive and not good enough to survive longer.
UNFORGETTABLE: I predicted the show would be "forgotten early" but I was wrong: it survived the entire season before it went away.
UP ALL NIGHT: I thought the show "lacked the complexity to hold an audience" but I was wrong.  The ratings weren't great but good enough to get another year.
WHITNEY: I didn't like the show would last based on the previews.  Honestly I thought it was pretty awful.  Turns out I was wrong on both counts: while Whitney wasn't nearly the monster hit her other show 2 Broke Girls proved to be--it survived for a second year. 
Also say goodbye to CSI Miami, Desperate Housewives and try to find Cougar Town on TBS.  Come back next fall to see what I think about the next crop of television shows.
'nuff said.

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