Tuesday, April 10, 2012

No More "Titanic" In 3D

I can't think of a better fractal "cookie" for my review of Titanic 3D than Waterdeep.  The connection seems pretty obvious to me.  Now that I've said it--on with the review!
Unless you've been living under a rock (or at the very least boycotting movie theaters) you probably already know the story told in Titanic.  If you're not familiar with the history you probably know the movie--the love story, the epic effects the sheer spectacle on screen and the near-record setting take at the Oscars--not to mention becoming the world's highest-grossing movie.  Fifteen years later a 3D version of the film was released to coincide with the ship's 100th anniversary.  Was it done in honor of the anniversary or just as a grab for more cash I cannot presume to speculate.
The bad news is that the after-production 3D addition really doesn't add a lot to the movie.  The good news--it doesn't take away anything from the magnificence that was the original film.  The movie is still epic, loaded with accurate details in the sets and costumes.  The effects (left unenhanced from the original release) are still pretty spectacular even after all these years.  It's amazing to see how impossibly young and pretty Kate Winslet and Leonardo di Caprio were way back then.  It's also pretty awesome to see the wonderful performances of the many supporting actors gave.  Yes, the movie still deserves to be seen on a big screen--and the bigger the better but you have to be a serious "Titanophile" to be willing to part with the extra money for a ticket.

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