Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is She A Big Liar Or Just A Big Idiot?

It is a thorny question indeed--and yet I feel the need to ask it of GOP Central Committee Representative Marilyn Davenport.  Therefor I chose Thorned Rose as today's fractal cookie.  Now--on with the rant!
I didn't think I was going to comment on the situation involving Marilyn Davenport and the e-Mail she sent depicting President Barack Obama's face superimposed over a chimpanzee in a family grouping.  I think we can all agree the "tacky factor" meter has COMPLETELY pegged and that this is the height of stupidity for ANYONE involved in politics.  (I mean, when your own party calls for your resignation that should tell you something right?)  Then the dear lady had to go open her mouth and make a few comments and I suddenly felt the need to put in my two cents.  Here's what got my panties in a bunch...
I'm cherry picking a few of her choicest comments from an Associated Press report.
  • "I feel that it was inappropriate and I offended people.  I think it's only racist when the intent in my heart is to make it that way, and that was not the intent in my heart."  Really--come on--really???  Is Ms. Davenport so oblivious that she doesn't get the completely racist overtones of something like this?  Well maybe--the lady is 74 years old and is a product of a different time so maybe, just maybe, she didn't understand the ramifications of this kind of image (particularly in light of other e-mail scandals involving Obama.)  Furthermore, she admitted that she hadn't sent it to certain friends (blacks and some whites) she knew would find the content offensive so obviously Ms. Davenport isn't completely unaware.

  • "It struck me as political satire."  Someone is going to have to explain this to me.  (The e-Mail is a picture of a chimpanzee family with Obama's face superimposed over the baby's above the caption "now you know why no birth certificate".  You really have to wonder if someone would have sent pictures of a white President superimposed on an ape's body.  I LOVE satire but I know the difference between satire and just plain filth.
  • "My position would be I am concerned, knowing what the responsibility is of a president.  I guess we should know his origin, shouldn't we? ... I guess I wonder why he doesn't tell us."  Honey Mike Huckabee (as conservative a Republican as they come) said it best.  I can't quote it exactly but he said something like "if there was anything to the notion Hilary Clinton's team would have exploited it in the 2008 Primary."  Not to mention the Republican political machine and the folks charged by the Constitution to certify the eligibility of a Presidential Candidate.  And--as to why he didn't tell you--HE ALREADY DID!!!  How many times does this controversy have to be addressed before it dies? 
Finally, (and I dearly wish I had the whole quote here) Ms. Davenport described herself as "an imperfect Christian" but, I really have to wonder--why would anyone who labels themselves a Christian feel comfortable with sending something so hurtful and frankly hateful?  Maybe I missed something in Sunday School.
Here's the last quote from the AP Article: Davenport said constituents are asking her not to resign, and the feelings of those outside the 72nd Assembly District don't matter.  It'll be interesting to see what happens with the situation.  The simple truth is the feelings of those outside the 72nd District DO matter when it affects the perception of the Republican Party.  Social Moderates will think less of the party if they tolerate this.  This is a pretty little black eye for the GOP and Ms. Davenport would be wise to go quietly and leave the scene.
'nuff said.


Sadie Morgan said...

I love this: "I LOVE satire but I know the difference between satire and just plain filth."

Amen, Bro.Ron!

Baron von Renable said...

I just found out something that truly makes me sad. This lady used to be a publisher of Christian books! She ought to have known better! Oh--and she says she got the e-Mail from BOB JONES!

Vendla said...

*jaw dropping* OMG that is just so wrong on so many levels it's hard to know where to start! You,however, dearest cuddle-bear, summed up the obviously unhinged old broad perfectly. And she claims to be Christian??? Does she have ties to the old KKK perhaps? She is NO lady, and certainly not a Christian!