I suppose I could just choose a random fractal for your "cookie" each time but, damme, I feel a certain "obligation" to have it bear at least some relation to what I post about. Today I chose Overflight because the vaguely balloonish shape reminds me that I'll be hovering "over" this particular topic. Is it a stretch? You bet your boots--but it's what I got so I'm going with it! So--on with today's commentary!
I found Facebook at a particularly low point in my life: I was so wrapped up in (and massively stressed out by) "Real World" issues that I was too emotionally drained to have virtually any creative outlet. I coudn't write, I didn't enjoy music and I could barely daydream. All I did was fret. Then I discovered the wonderful world of "point-and-click" fun on Facebook. Yeah, it was great to re-connect with old friends (holla "Terra" Beltran and Richard Knights! and Wayne Abraham who I met in SECOND GRADE!!!) It was fun to meet new people from strange and wonderful places and interact with them (however tangentially). But for me it quickly became all about the games.
First it was Pirates, Mafia Wars, Street Racing and, God help me, Fashion Wars: they were easy, colorful and mindless fun they got old pretty quickly. I dropped Fashion Wars first because I wasn't getting anywhere with that game. Then Zynga quit supporting Street Racing (which I played mainly because I'd developed a passion for "car collecting" and I got stuck in Mafia Wars needing item "A" before moving on to Task "B" (and not being able to beg, borrow or steal said item). Luckily about then I discovered Farmville and Yoville.
The "ville" games were different in the fact that they actually allowed you to "create" something. (Yoville is a low-rent version of The Sims and Farmville allows you to create a virtual farm. NOTE: this info is given for the benefit of my non-gaming readers.) These games required more maintainance but at least there was a minimum of creativity required to create the virtual environments.) I was mad for Yoville (until I "topped out" and couldn't advance further) and Farmville veered into the tedious and cutesey-poo with the endless tasks and cool items that required "real" money to buy. (Call me silly but I just don't feel good about spending cash on "virtual goodies." Luckily for me I disovered Social City and My Town.
Social City and My Town are both "city builders" (basically simpler versions of Sim City): I was hooked the moment I entered the game. As a kid I was crazy for Lego and would fill my bedroom with red-and-white cities (back at the dawn of time Lego only came in two colors) but these games gave me the ability to create the city of my dreams. Playing these games re-ignited my creative spark and I began finding my way out of my personal darkness. Still, Social City ran like molasses on my computer and after taking almost two hours to collect on my city I gave it up as a bad job. Before too long I was playing My Town exclusively.
I literally couldn't get enough of My Town: I was checking in on "Mastiff Manor" multiple times a day and once I found the discussion board I spent much time reading and answering posts. I started "friending" folks I met there and ended up accepting a ton of requests from folks who found me the same way. Those were halcyon days... We were getting updates regularly and often--and the stuff was completly cool. Sadly, all good things must come to an end--and the end came all too soon...
First Broken Bulb moved the discussion board off Facebook (with little to no notice--and, yes, I'm still annoyed with that!). Intentionally or not, this effectively torpedoed the budding social community that was growing up around the game. Next they drastically cut the number of new updates and made many new items "cash only". (Yes, I fully understand the Developers need to make money off the game but there's a fine line and they wandereed well over it--IMHO.) Last, but most certainly not least, we been getting "new" Snoop Itmems that are merely recycled stuff we don't want and can't really use. (They don't even take the time to throw up an image to go with them.)
Do I still love My Town? Yes,--but I don't love, Love, LOVE the game any more. I used to schedule my Mondays and Thursdays around update times but now it's no longer a priority. I keep coming back hoping that things will change for the better and end up disappointed when they don't.
Still, I hold on to the good times: I remember the Great "Craphole Motel" debate over Easter week with great fondness. I think of the many new Facebook friends I've made. (I'm sure I'd be great friends with Julie TwoDat Stripling, Joanne Thompson and Thom and Carolee Kaufold if we ever met.) I'd love to get the chance to know folks like Barb Duncan Castile and image I could learn a lot from Sadie Morgan. Rene Canetti always amused me and I couldn't help but smile every time poor Raed Aridi managed to cram his little foot into his mouth however unintentionally. I thought I was pretty creative--at least until I saw towns designed by people like Joel Clarine and Gloria Milam. Lastly, I will never forget the kindness shown to me by too many people to mention here. Just know that I will always appreciate your thoughtfulness. Oddly enough I even strangely appreciate the people who took offense at my humor. (I'd mention a name but the individual would probably be offended.) My Town may have tripped and fallen but it could rise again. Even if it doesn't I've made wonderful friends that I will treasure: for that reason alone I'll stick with the game.
'nuff said.
WOO HOO!!! I made the cut! Yes Ron, we would most definitely be friends.. ARE friends. The best thing about My Town is the people, and you're at the top of the list. Thanks for being a friend as well as a neighbor. Say "hey" to the missus for me! Love, Julie TwoDat
I love the egotism exhibited in coming here to see if our names are in your blog!!! LOL!
I started on MySpace because the kids were posting photos there- and someone said FB was better: she was right! Didn't do the games for a long time- Farm Town was my first obsession. But it grew stale and the devs seemed to ignore the complaints, so in that disillusioned time I discovered My Town. Getting very burned out there now- is there any hope? Farm Town finally woke up and introduced a lot of new activities, so it is interesting again. Maybe My Town will learn from them.
I agree with you about the forum! To me, that was the biggest mistake they have made with the game. On FT, you can interact with friends on the farms- the forum was all they had to truly interact on MT. Moving it offsite killed it for me. Just hasn't been the same since.
Come visit my farm on Farm Town someday!
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