Monday, August 16, 2010

"In The Heights" Fails To Rise Past The Middle

Today I'll be reviewing a performance of the national touring company of In The Heights.  I wanted somethinhg spicy and hot (but I guess you'll have to settle for Fandango 3: it somehow conveys a "Latin flava" to me at least--so on with the review!
In The Heights proves that you can put predictable, pretentious crap on stage and still have the audience go wild if you lay down a good beat and get it labeled social commentary.  You'll get a bunch of "Tony Award" nominations and even win a few.  OK, maybe this musical isn't complete crap (at least not to it's target audience) but anyone with half a brain is going to very quickly realize they've seen all this before and done better in West Side Story and countless other sources.  This has all been done before and better. 
You need a big band to cover the sound of the plot grinding along (but at least this company has a good AND large band.)  The songs are clever enough: some are funny, some are touching but I can't remember a single tune.  The no-name cast sings with fervor and a good deal of musical ability.  A number of characters get to do some serious American Idol-style belting.  I don't know my Latin musical styles but this music certainly had the flavor.  While I admired the technical ability the Actors showed, the music (hell, the entire show) wasn't quie to my taste so I didn't enjoy it as much as I might have.  The dancing that accompanied the music was fun to watch if not particularly spectacular.
Like the music, the script shone in a few spots but it nevrer held my interest.  I didn't find the story to be particular revelatory (or even interesting for that matter) but a good number of people in the audience obviously felt differently.  The Orange County Performing Arts Centre (their spelling not mine) usually has a predominantly white crowd.  This time there was a lot of people of color in the audience (and I suspect they didn't get in to see shows very often).  For them, it was probably anazing to see their stories up on stage told in ways that would interest them.  They "got" the show where I didn't so I guess it has some merit.
For many reasons In The Heights wasn't my cup of tea (or glass of horchata.)  I wasn't the target audience but Latinos and folks with a lot more multiculturalism than me (and a less critical heart) would probably really like the production.

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