I've been hearing about "Victoria Gardens" since we moved to the I.E. but never gotten a chance to visit. Turns out the place is something of an upscale shopping center (at least by Riverside/San Bernadino standards). The colors are Tuscan-inspired (like most shopping centers these days) and the buildings have that textured contemporary style you see all over these days. The designers decided to do something different in their plan though--they put one-lane streets through the shops and lining them with parallel-parking spaces (to give the feeling of an old-style "Main Street." IMHO, this is a decidedly mixed blessing: parking close to your location (assuming you are lucky enough to find a space) costs and there are police patrolling the area looking for expired meters. Then you have the problem of pedestrians who simply don't pay attention to the cars--and that can lead to trouble.
We had a bit of a heart-stopping experience while we were trying to find some place to park. A young lady was busily texting away--looking neither left or right and not taking her eyes off her Blackberry (or whatever she was using) stepped out in front of us and we nearly ran her over. Luckily we were a bit lost so Robyn was creeping along so we were able to slam on the brakes and avoid an accident. (I don't even think this chica realized hwo close she came to being run over. Still, it threw a bit of cold water on our enthusiasm and we ended up not wanting to explore as much as we had intended.
Luckily, the AMC Theater was fairly cose to where we parked (and good signage helped direct us there quickly and efficiently). Couples Retreat was starting in about half an hour so we decided to see that. The plot is pretty predictable: four couples travel to paradise to "work on their relationships" which end up worse than when they arrived until things magically work themselves out and everyone ends up happily-ever-after. Vince Vaughn (one of the writers) plays video-game salesman Dave as a rehash of his character from Four Christmases (a snarky, self-involved schlub with an impossibly-hot wife). Jon Favreau is happily cheating on his wife (who is happily cheating on him). Jason Bateman is Jason--a control freak who is so uptight he creates "Power Point" presentations for everything. Faizon Love plays recently-divorced Shane (and how many fat black men do you know named Shane?) is still trying to get over his wife while hooking up with 20 year-old hottie Trudy. (And again, how many 20 year-old black girls do you know who are named Trudy?)
The movie starts slowly (so much so I fell asleep) and none of the characters are either original or all that likeable. The plot was completely contrived and there was nothing unexpected anywhere in the film: still, good charactes and lively acting can overcome the lamest plots--and they almost make it here. Still, once the movie got to Bora Bora the action picked up (and the scenery was nothing short of spectacular). Yes, there were a lot of laughs but I felt I was laughing AT characters rather than WITH them. There were some funny secondary characters who have good bits during the movie but they don't make a lot of impact.
In the end, I kinda liked the movie. Robyn liked the movie but didn't love it. Still, the audince (most twenty-to thirty-somethings) really seemed to enjoy it. If you are a fan of Vince Vaughn you should definitely run out to see Couples Retreat or you just have a pleasant afternoon to waste it's worth the price of a matinee ticket. Leave the kids at home because the language is raw and the situations might be a bit raw for youngsters.
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