So yesterday (July 3) Sarah Palin announced she would not seek re-election as Governor of Alaska when her term ends in eighteen months. Further she said she intended to resign the post in a few weeks and turn the job over to the Lieutenant Governor. At first I thought THIS IS ABSOLUTELY CRAZY! Later in the day I saw a commentary on MSN (sorry, I don't remember the author's name and it has since been replaced) who called it "shrewd" and said he thought it would be the opening shot of her run for President in 2012. Since I'm willing to consider pretty much ANYTHING that got me thinking--what would reason would she (or any Politician for that matter) have for resigning mid-term? Here's what I came up with...
1) A FAMILY HEALTH OR RELATIONSHIP CRISIS. This one is obvious: if your spouse, or God forbid your child, should come down with a life-threatening illness it makes sense. Likewise if the marriage is falling apart it only makes sense of her to resign (although it would also make sense to give some clue as to what's going on since the story is going to come out anyway.
2) SCANDAL. Sarah Palin survived "Troopergate" and her daughter's out-of-wedlock pregnancy. Could something else, something much worse, be out there? I don't know but if there is we'll find out soon enough...
3) CAN'T TAKE THE PRESSURE. A high-profile life comes with a great deal of scrutiny and comment. David Letterman's joke at the expense of the Palin daughter was out-of-order and he apologized (fairly sincerely it seems to me) but Palin's reaction was so completely over the top that she just embarrassed herself. You have to admire the woman for defending her daughter (but she put the girl in the public eye to begin with. What did she expect?)
4) RUNNING FOR HIGHER OFFICE. I've tried to wrap my head around the idea of quitting mid-term to run for a higher office being a "good" thing but I simply can't. Quitting gives political opponents of BOTH parties tons of ammunition to use against you at a later date. (I can see the ads now: "Sarah Palin--America doesn't need a quitter...") Both John McCain and Barak Obama kept their Senate seats and managed to run for President at the same time: how difficult would it be for her to retain the Governorship--especially considering the fact that she has PLENTY of time until the next election.
Maybe I've been steeped in my liberal values too long but I just can't see this making sense in any way, shape, form or color. Sarah Palin fans (of which there are many--God help us all) will find some way to excuse this frankly bizarre behavior. Still, anyone with half a brain is sure to see this for what it is--Palin taking another step on the road to Crazyville.
'nuff said.
After some of the other things Mrs. Palin has attempted, I think she is crazy enough to try to run for the presidency. But she will fail miserably.
Form your fingers to God's ears!
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