Friday, May 22, 2009

TV Predictions: How Did I Do This Year

I chose Almost Perfect as the fractal for today's post because I'd like to think my predictions came out almost perfectly. Since I know y'all simply LIVE for self-referential comments I suppose I should get on with the post!
Yesterday the CW announced its Fall Schedule, the last of the networks to reveal their new shows. Yesterday was also pretty much the last day of the "regular" season so I guess today is a good time to take a look back at the predictions I made to see how well I did...
90210: I wasn't sure how well this show would work since bringing back a 20 year old show could be problematic for a new generation. RESULT: this was the biggest hit for the CW (nee the WB) since Dawson's Creek. 90210 did so well the network will be adding a new version of Melrose Place (with only one returning cast member) next fall.
CRUSOE: I predicted the show would be off the schedule before Robinson Crusoe got off his island. RESULT: it was. Crusoe got booted off Friday night fairly early but limped along through January until dying an ignominious death in the wasteland that is Saturday night network television.
DO NOT DISTURB: I predicted the show wouldn't disturb viewers for a second season. RESULT: the show barely disturbed audiences for a second episode.
EASY MONEY: I predicted the show would go away--eventually. RESULT: Easy Money went away by December.
ELEVENTH HOUR: I predicted the should wouldn't last eleven episodes. RESULT: it lasted 13 episodes (I think) but was gone by March.
FRINGE: I had high hopes for this show but wasn't sure about its future due to complex story lines and long delays while Fox aired sports and other higher-rated shows. RESULT: the show lived up to it's potential--and pitfalls. Still, in a rare show of programming intelligence Fox decided to renew the show for a second season. (I'm guessing that was largely due to the show's creator J. J. Ambrams who for now at least, seems to be able to do no wrong on the big or small screen.)
HOLE IN THE WALL: I predicted this would soon leave a "hole in the schedule." RESULT: it did.
LIFE ON MARS: I said I didn't know whether this show would be a big hit or an even bigger disappointment. Like Big Shots before it, soon got booted out of its prime slot before finally getting the boot in March. RESULT: big disappointment.
MY OWN WORST ENEMY: I predicted this show would "shoot itself in the head" before season's end. RESULT: even though the show was heavily promoted it just couldn't survive the dumb-ass premise and non-cuddliness of lead Actor Christian Slater. It was gone by the end of November.
OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: I predicted this "game show that comes to you" wouldn't last long. RESULT: I think it made three episodes before being pulled in early October to be replaced by reruns of Dancing With The Stars (which did way better in the time slot and cost less too).
THE EX-LIST: I predicted the show wouldn't last the season. RESULT: "X-ited" before Halloween.
THE MENTALIST: I predicted the show would be "swept off the schedule." RESULT: no "precog" is perfect. This show turned out to be the only real "hit" of 2008-9 TV season.
VALENTINE: I said I knew where this show was going. RESULT: this show went into the toilet before Thanksgiving. (In fact, the Sunday night schedule was so bad for the CW the network has quit programming on that night.
WORST WEEK: TV Guide anointed this show as the "Best Comedy" of the fall but I wasn't sure how well the show would go down with viewers. RESULT: turned out to be a pretty good TV Sitcom but the show was often painful to watch. Worst Week slipped off the schedule in February without a goodbye.
The season also saw the end of long-running ER, the flagship of the "CSI" franchise and most of the CW schedule. Dirty Sexy Money, Eli Stone and Pushing Daisies, all worth shows, never managed to recover from the writers' strike. I'm gonna miss a lot of these shows but at least I have a new season of Wipedout to comfort me.
'nuff said.

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