I thought Carrie Prejean would be a one-time "visitor" to my blog but I was wrong. Her story just won't go away--no matter how much we wish it would... To the surprise of absolutely nobody more (even racier) pictures of her turned up on the net. (Anyone who IS surprised--please resign your position in the Human Race now and find a more-appropriate species.) Didn't she just assure us there was "only one" picture like that? Not only that, Ms. Prejean has been blowing off scheduled engagements required of Miss California. In any (dare I say lesser?) contestant this would be enough to get her canned by the organization. Such is not the case for her however as Donald Trump himself (owner of Miss California USA Pageant) stepped in to save her position.
In spite of the fact that this girl LIED on her application in which she failed to disclose that she'd taken semi-nude photos not once but several times and in spite of the fact she's been ignoring her personal responsibilities Trump himself has declared the photos were "fine" and that the "miscommunication" had been "cleared up" so Miss California gets to keep her crown. (See why I said someone was getting snowed?) For Donald Trump and Carrie Prejean this is a win-win situation: Trump, the ultimate publicity whore, seemss to think any mention in the news is a good press: this non-news item keeps generating waves weeks after it should have gone away. Miss Prejean now has a platform to do whatever she wants for the next year and there's nothing the Miss California organization (or anyone else) can do about it. Too bad for Christians everywhere and the public, the rest of us lose big time.
Lets take what she said off the table: as I said in my last post about Miss Prejean she has the right to say and think whatever she likes. What's important to me is the fact that she lied about something serious and gotten away with it. That hardly seems like a Christian value to me. Taking "revealing" pictures once is a mistake: we all make mistakes now and then and can only hope we're forgiven. Doing it multiple times over a period of years is something different altogether: that's hardly a "Christian" thing to do--or is there a branch of Christianity out there that I don't know about that encourages exploiting your body? At best it shows extremely poor judgement on her part. Maybe it's me but I think it's a bit disingenuous to be touting Christian values one minute then playing sexual peek-a-boo the next. True, as it as been said so very, very often "Christians aren't perfect--just forgiven"--but to me true forgiveness requires true contrition--and I don't see that with Carrie Prejean.
I also have to wonder what kind of message this sends to young girls out there. I wonder if they might take away that this sort of behavior is "fine" (and thus should be emulated). Most of have to face consequences for our bad behavior but it seems like Carrie Prejean gets away scot free because she generates publicity. What does that say to young girls growing up? Frankly it sends a bad message that we don' want to impress on our female children. In the short term this is good for Donald Trump and Carrie Prejean--but in the long run I think this decision is going to come back and bite a lot of people in the butt..
- (more than) 'nuff said.
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