Today’s post begins with a fractal called Tooth Spiral: It seemed appropriate for a post about eating. Hope you enjoy it.
I don’t know if anyone else besides be gets weird food cravings but I find myself craving strange things at the oddest times. Robyn and I were shopping at our favorite “Membership Superstore” and we came across a new product--waffle batter in a spray can! Mind you--I don’t even like waffles that much but now that’s all I think about for the past two weeks. A little before that our Minister mentioned a Del Taco Burrito and then nothing would do but that I go get one. I did and it was a gloppy, gluey mess and I can’t ever imagine ordering another one. But I’ll probably start craving one again at some weird time.
So here’s a list of food cravings. What are yours?
There’s nothing better than a nice warm waffle when the butter melts and the syrup is just poured. But the waffle starts cooling almost immediately and pretty soon turns into a cold mess on the plate. Worse, I don’t think I’ve ever managed to finish a plate of waffles without them going cold--yet now I’m thinking about how much I’d love some…
I don’t often go to Del Taco (mainly because I’m not a big fan of their pseudo-Mexican food. Still, every once-in-a-while I find myself craving one of these things. HAD one (in the car no less--and that was a BIG mistake!) I don’t know why I like these things so well (maybe it’s ‘cause I don’t like anything else on the Del Taco menu) but I still do.
When I was little I remember my Mom making Fried Spam and Eggs as a special breakfast (or sometimes Sunday Dinner) for our family. It was something I always looked forward to and found myself vaguely missing once she stopped doing it. I was reminiscing about Spam and Robyn actually bought a six-pack of Spam at Costco. It just wasn’t the same: in fact--I don’t know for the life of me what I saw in the stuff. (It took us almost a year to force ourselves through the six-pack.) Still, I find myself glancing longingly at the Spam when we pass it in the “tinned meats” aisle.
Daddy was from Texas and Mom was from Louisiana so Grits made a regular appearance on our breakfast table. Most Northerners don’t appreciate the magnificence that is grits. Even today I’ll end up ordering grits instead of potatoes when the choice is offered on a breakfast menu.
Back when Dinosaurs walked the Earth Supermarkets used to have bins of individually-wrapped candies, peppermints, caramels, butterscotch, lemon drops and other stuff. We had a candy dish in the house and my personal fave was the Brach’s Jelly Candies. I loved the strawberry, orange, lemon, lime and even licorice fruit chews but I didn’t care for the grape-flavored ones. That was what I always reached for first (unless there was Hershey’s Kisses in the dish.) Even today I’ll still go for these things when I can find ‘em.
Another childhood favorite. Nobody has ever made Bread Pudding like my Mom (except maybe my aunts back in Louisiana. It was like no other bread pudding I’ve ever had. In fact--when I was an adult I’d come home to visit and go to the supermarket and buy bread and milk and beg her to make it. Of course she never wrote the recipe down and I never learned how to make it so I guess the secret died with her. Robyn has tried making bread pudding and it’s tasty--but it’s just not Mom’s.
This was usually a “quick dinner” at our house and I always loved it. (Of course I didn‘t find out the stuff was also called “Shit On A Shingle” until I was an adult--and it might have changed my mind if I had but that‘s a whole nother post.) Every once in a while I’ll see it on a restaurant menu and think about ordering it even if I know it won’t be what I got at home.
What is it about these formed-pork, sauce-covered monstrosities that inspires such lust in my heart? Still, every time McDonald’s brings them back I find myself wanting one--I don’t know why.
I didn’t discover this dish until I was in my forties--and I can’t find many Mexican places that even have it on the Menu. In fact I’ve only been able to find it at one place where I really like it--the Chili Pepper in Orange California. Still, this stuff is so good I’ve even ordered it for breakfast!
Robyn adapted this recipe for a Bundt Cake from the recipe book she got with her pan. It’s a “Mix” recipe with Devil’s Food Cake, Chocolate Pudding and Chocolate Chips. (The recipe calls for a chocolate frosting as well but Robyn does it with a cream-cheese glaze that’s way better--it cuts the sweetness just enough. This is her “go to” recipe for pot lucks and gatherings and most people “go to” the cake to the point where we don’t have much (if any) to take home. Since Robyn is no longer allowed to eat chocolate she’s pretty much quit making it--but I DO miss it so.
Maybe my food cravings aren’t all that strange but I do love them so. So much that I just might have to post this and make myself a Spam and Chipped Beef On Toast with a side of Grits and some jelly-candy stuff Triple Chocolate Orgasm Cake for lunch! Yum! Yum!
I don’t know if anyone else besides be gets weird food cravings but I find myself craving strange things at the oddest times. Robyn and I were shopping at our favorite “Membership Superstore” and we came across a new product--waffle batter in a spray can! Mind you--I don’t even like waffles that much but now that’s all I think about for the past two weeks. A little before that our Minister mentioned a Del Taco Burrito and then nothing would do but that I go get one. I did and it was a gloppy, gluey mess and I can’t ever imagine ordering another one. But I’ll probably start craving one again at some weird time.
So here’s a list of food cravings. What are yours?
There’s nothing better than a nice warm waffle when the butter melts and the syrup is just poured. But the waffle starts cooling almost immediately and pretty soon turns into a cold mess on the plate. Worse, I don’t think I’ve ever managed to finish a plate of waffles without them going cold--yet now I’m thinking about how much I’d love some…
I don’t often go to Del Taco (mainly because I’m not a big fan of their pseudo-Mexican food. Still, every once-in-a-while I find myself craving one of these things. HAD one (in the car no less--and that was a BIG mistake!) I don’t know why I like these things so well (maybe it’s ‘cause I don’t like anything else on the Del Taco menu) but I still do.
When I was little I remember my Mom making Fried Spam and Eggs as a special breakfast (or sometimes Sunday Dinner) for our family. It was something I always looked forward to and found myself vaguely missing once she stopped doing it. I was reminiscing about Spam and Robyn actually bought a six-pack of Spam at Costco. It just wasn’t the same: in fact--I don’t know for the life of me what I saw in the stuff. (It took us almost a year to force ourselves through the six-pack.) Still, I find myself glancing longingly at the Spam when we pass it in the “tinned meats” aisle.
Daddy was from Texas and Mom was from Louisiana so Grits made a regular appearance on our breakfast table. Most Northerners don’t appreciate the magnificence that is grits. Even today I’ll end up ordering grits instead of potatoes when the choice is offered on a breakfast menu.
Back when Dinosaurs walked the Earth Supermarkets used to have bins of individually-wrapped candies, peppermints, caramels, butterscotch, lemon drops and other stuff. We had a candy dish in the house and my personal fave was the Brach’s Jelly Candies. I loved the strawberry, orange, lemon, lime and even licorice fruit chews but I didn’t care for the grape-flavored ones. That was what I always reached for first (unless there was Hershey’s Kisses in the dish.) Even today I’ll still go for these things when I can find ‘em.
Another childhood favorite. Nobody has ever made Bread Pudding like my Mom (except maybe my aunts back in Louisiana. It was like no other bread pudding I’ve ever had. In fact--when I was an adult I’d come home to visit and go to the supermarket and buy bread and milk and beg her to make it. Of course she never wrote the recipe down and I never learned how to make it so I guess the secret died with her. Robyn has tried making bread pudding and it’s tasty--but it’s just not Mom’s.
This was usually a “quick dinner” at our house and I always loved it. (Of course I didn‘t find out the stuff was also called “Shit On A Shingle” until I was an adult--and it might have changed my mind if I had but that‘s a whole nother post.) Every once in a while I’ll see it on a restaurant menu and think about ordering it even if I know it won’t be what I got at home.
What is it about these formed-pork, sauce-covered monstrosities that inspires such lust in my heart? Still, every time McDonald’s brings them back I find myself wanting one--I don’t know why.
I didn’t discover this dish until I was in my forties--and I can’t find many Mexican places that even have it on the Menu. In fact I’ve only been able to find it at one place where I really like it--the Chili Pepper in Orange California. Still, this stuff is so good I’ve even ordered it for breakfast!
Robyn adapted this recipe for a Bundt Cake from the recipe book she got with her pan. It’s a “Mix” recipe with Devil’s Food Cake, Chocolate Pudding and Chocolate Chips. (The recipe calls for a chocolate frosting as well but Robyn does it with a cream-cheese glaze that’s way better--it cuts the sweetness just enough. This is her “go to” recipe for pot lucks and gatherings and most people “go to” the cake to the point where we don’t have much (if any) to take home. Since Robyn is no longer allowed to eat chocolate she’s pretty much quit making it--but I DO miss it so.
Maybe my food cravings aren’t all that strange but I do love them so. So much that I just might have to post this and make myself a Spam and Chipped Beef On Toast with a side of Grits and some jelly-candy stuff Triple Chocolate Orgasm Cake for lunch! Yum! Yum!
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