Still I decided not to comment on the case until I saw a commercial in favor of Prop 8 that has been getting a lot of airplay. The lies were so blatant and the slant to ridiculous that I just had to comment because it plays on fears of supporters (who won’t look at the issue critically). I couldn’t find the stand-alone commercial on line but this comment on the commercial pretty much covers my objections to the ad. (Check out this link to see for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-pSye9W7FY .) I wonder why proponents of Prop 8 chose to be dishonest in their campaign. Could it be because they know there have no legal grounds to stand on?
Honestly, I get why some people find the prospect of same-sex marriage unsettling. I understand they think it is immoral (even unnatural.) Still, this isn’t a question of MORALITY. It is a question of LEGALITY--nothing more. Prop 22 was overturned because the State Supreme Court found that “separate” WAS NOT “equal” in this case. There is no LEGAL reason why same-sex couples shouldn’t be granted the same rights as hetero couples.
I won’t debate the morality question--mainly because there’s no point to it. Nothing I say will change opinions and I’ve pretty much heard and rejected any arguments the other side can bring to the table. You have the right to your beliefs and I will defend that right to the death even though I disagree with you. Lets agree to disagree agreeably and leave it at that.
But maybe I CAN do something to calm the fears of those opposed to same-sex marriage. It’s not going to be the end of world--I promise! Legions of married men and women aren’t going to leave their spouses and families to take up with someone of the same sex because they FINALLY have the right to marry! Homosexuals won’t be sending “Recruiters” into the schools to entice youngsters into the lifestyle. (I’ve seen the “Gay Agenda” and there just isn’t time on the schedule.) They aren’t going to come storming into your churches demanding you change your theology. (If that’s happening it is happening WITHIN the church body and the church, as a body, can either accept or reject it.) Same-sex marriage isn’t going to diminish heterosexual marriage in any way, tangible or intangible. ALL it will do is give same-sex couples equal protection under the law.
When women got the vote there were those who said it would destroy the country: it didn’t. When segregation was ended there were those who said it would destroy the country: it didn’t. When women took on larger roles in the armed forces there were those who said it would be the end of the country: it wasn’t. And believe me--same-sex marriage won’t be the end of the country either.
Think about it.
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