Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"Lipstick On A Pig": the lastest "Tempest in a Teapot"

Today’s post begins with an image called ShockStorm. A “storm” image seems particularly appropriate for one of my “tempest in a teapot” posts. Furthermore I was “shocked” that this story has gotten so much play. Ah well--on with the rant!
Right now I don’t know whom I’m more annoyed with: the McCain camp for raising such a fuss over Barach Osama’s “lipstick on a pig” comment and characterizing it as an attack on Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin or the media who has given it such broad airplay. Frankly, there’s plenty of blame to go around for BOTH sides here--McCain’s camp for taking a comment out of context (and having seen the entire quote, trust me it WAS) or the Media for giving it such air play. (I’m particularly annoyed at Media outlets who cut out a minute-plus comment down to a ten-second sound bite.
This is what is known as a DISTRACTION. The simple fact is that John McCain HIMSELF used the “lipstick on a pig” analogy when describing Hillary Clinton’s health care policy back in January of this year. It may not be the most common phrase but I’ve heard it used more than once: “you can put lipstick on a pig--but it’s still a pig” means that dressing up an unattractive thing doesn’t change the basic attractiveness. Furthermore the attack ad reply was a BLATANT LIE. The advertisement claims Obama supported a bill that would teach Sex Education to Kindergarteners. It’s kindasorta true: the “sex education” he was supporting was about being aware of what WAS and WAS NOT appropriate behavior and what to do if something bad happens. It’s education against pedophilia--nothing more. Come on people--be honest for once!
Frankly, I have a lot more questions I’d like answers to regarding some things which may or may not be true about Sarah Palin. Still--I’d like to know. Does she REALLY think the War in Iraq is a “task from God?” Why does she want Creationism taught in our schools? (I’ve read enough so-called “Creation Science” to know it’s a joke.) Did she try to have books banned when she was Mayor? If so why--and what books? (I’m not at all comfortable with book banning of any sort.) If she is such a champion of motherhood why did she vote down a bill to provide funding for a shelter for unwed homeless teen mothers? (Is it me or is there a bit of a disconnect there?) We really know so little about this woman who could potentially be our President but what we DO know scares me. If you’re a thinking individual it should scare you too.
Think about it.

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