Will Smith is the undisputed “King of the Box Office” on the July 4th weekend--but then again, virtually everything he puts out turns into box-office gold. In my opinion his last movie, I Am Legend (the movie with the worst reviews and lowest grade I‘ve ever given--on this blog at least) was something of a misstep. Still, with Hancock, his latest film, Smith has climbed back up to be King of the Hill once again.
Hancock is a “super hero” living in Los Angeles. He has all kinds of cool powers--but he is unappreciated for his bad attitude and generally cavalier disregard for ancillary property damages when he goes after the bad guys. Oh--and did I mention he’s an alcoholic? His life takes on a new direction when he saves nice-guy advertising agent Ray Embrey (ably played by Jason Bateman in another thankless supporting role). Ray, who desperately wants to save the world decides to save Hancock instead by rehabilitating his image. Ray’s super-cute son Adam (Jae Head--and what kind of name is THAT??) is all for the idea but Ray’s wife Mary (Charlize Theron) isn’t nearly as keen on the idea. Turns out she has a secret of her own but I won’t reveal that here. Go see the movie or e-Mail me privately if you want the rest of the story.
The movie starts out spectacularly enough with an amazing battle that sets the usual super-heroic conventions on their ear--and continues in that way for about an hour. Once the “big reveal” happens though Hancock turns predictable and not quite so amazing. Still, there is a good mix of action, humor (some of it frankly gross--but I still loved it) and pathos. Like many summer biggies the movie doesn’t hold up well under close examination. (There were way too many times I found myself pulled out of the movie asking myself “what’s up with that?” or “how could they do that?”) Still, the fast pace never lags and the directing doesn’t get in the way of an enjoyable summer movie.
Hancock is nearly the perfect summer movie: action, humor, spectacular FX and massive property destruction in Los Angeles all combine to make one enjoyable “popcorn” flick. Park your brain at the door and your younger kids at the baby sitter’s (since there is some rough language and some graphic, if horribly funny, violence in the move) and enjoy!
Nathan and I saw Hancock and *loved* it! I can't believe the crappy reviews it's getting. Yeah, sure, it isn't the most seamless plot ever, but come on, what super hero movie is? At least it's original and laugh-out-loud funny. And one can never discount the fact that Will Smith is smokin'. Yeah baby.
Come to think of it, Charlize ain't too bad neither. ;-)
Yeah, movies like this ALWAYS get kicked by the critics (although the latest BATMAN is getting good buzz--and they're talking about an "Oscar" nomination for Heath Ledger). Over all, I think "Kung Fu Panda" was a better movie but we both really enjoyed "Hancock."
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