The latest tempest in a teapot involves a Mike Huckabee Christmas-themed advertisement. Check it out using this link if you’d like to see the whole thing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMUI2XExdIA .) On the surface it is a (refreshingly) innocuous ad sending Christmas greetings. There’s no bashing of other candidates, no party politics--nothing but a greeting like you’d get from almost anyone. Still, the ad is not without controversy: what appears to be a cross gleams over Huckabee’s right shoulder and that has caused plenty of comment and criticism. These critics insist this image was placed their to appeal to Huckabee’s popular base--evangelical Christians. Representatives for the candidate insist the “cross” was merely a bookcase behind their candidate that got oddly lit during shooting.
Does anyone actually believe this is an accident? (If you do--please rent a brain as quickly as possible!) Every aspect of these big-budget, high production value ads (political or not) is tightly controlled: there are no accidents when these things hit the airwaves. Having said that--all I can say to the critics is so what? Mike Huckabee is a Southern Baptist Minister who has never been shy about sharing his religious beliefs. I actually approve of him wishing folks “Merry Christmas” rather than “Happy Holidays” or sending out “Seasons Greetings”
Ron Paul (a Republican candidate) said of the ad “when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” (This is a quote from someone else but I couldn‘t find out who in the time I had to write this post.) Frankly, I couldn’t agree more: I’m just not sure you can apply it to this situation. Sometimes a Christmas Greeting is just a Christmas Greeting. Yes, I’d have been more comfortable if Huckabee’s people had come out and said “yeah, we put that image in there--you caught us,” but they didn’t. Then again, I didn’t really expect them to either.
It’s a “whole ‘nother” question whether or not one’s faith should be injected into a political debate. Personally I think that topic is a dangerous and slippery slope you shouldn’t go down but that ship has sailed long ago. The Christian Right has been a potent political force since the Reagan era: for good or ill they are here to stay. Me, I don’t think Jesus is a Republican. (I don’t think he’s a Democrat, Libertarian or any other political party.) Jesus says in Luke Chapter 20, verse 26: "then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” (New American Standard Bible) To me that pretty much says everything ANY Christian needs to hear--ie. religion and politics and two separate entities and never the twain should meet.
Ah well--be you Republican, Democratic, apolitical or anything else I wish you a “Merry Christmas” to one and all. Likewise to those it matters to--Happy Hanukah, a sacred and satisfying Solstice, Kickin’ Kwanzaa, Rockin’ Ramadhan and a fab ‘n’ funky Festivus! Whatever your holiday tradition is may it be joyous and your New Year filled with peace, prosperity and many blessings.
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