THE SEEKER: THE DARK IS RISING is the latest popular children’s book to be turned into a movie. (I haven’t even heard of the book before so I didn’t go in with any expectations.) The book is the first of the series and the movie was intended to be the first of a franchise: sadly, lack of an audience will derail that plan. And that is really too bad: this is a decent family movie.
THE SEEKER: THE DARK IS RISING has a plot you’ve seen before (hundreds of times). Young Will Stanton (charmingly played by Alexander Ludwig) is a young boy lost in the shuffle at school and home. Of course he is a “special” boy--the “Seeker” who is given the task of retrieving six signs scattered through time. He will use these signs to build strength to battle the “Dark Rider” (TVs new “Doctor Who“ Christopher Eccleston). He is assisted by four “Old Ones” who guide and stand by him. Does he succeed? You should already know the answer…
There isn’t a single surprise in the plot but the movie is so well crafted you can almost forgive that lack. Everyone turns in a first rate performance and the FX are mostly low-tech but appropriate and they work well for the story. There are some mild scares (that might be too much for small children) but they help to highlight the fun One major plot point disappointed me (but I won’t spoil it here for those who might want to see the movie) but most of the movie hangs together pretty well.
THE SEEKER: THE DARK IS RISING is excellent for the whole family. Kids will enjoy the story and parents will be swept along for the ride. Is it great? Not hardly. But the movie is a perfectly-crafted little gem. Its too bad that it didn’t do better at the box office. If there is any justice the movie will have a long life on DVD.
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