I review everything else I watch so it occurred to me, why not review the new TV season as well? (Fall brings new programs to watch after all.) That being said, I decided to do my own reviews (since everyone else weighs in with their own opinions). I’ll also include my predictions for which shows will make it and which are doomed to failure. I haven’t seen everything but I made an effort to watch one episode of everything: I’ll also be including comments on a returning programs. SO--on with the reviews (in alphabetical order even)!
ALIENS IN AMERICA (CW) : maybe the most original TV Comedy since Arrested Development and I feel it’ll be watched about as much as that show was. It is the story of a Wisconsin family who takes in a foreign exchange student. The older son is hoping for a girl from Sweden but they get a devout Muslim from Pakistan instead. The humor comes from the tension of clashing cultures and the general oddness of the American host family. The show is interesting if not laugh-out-loud funny and frankly I doubt the viewing public will embrace the idea. PREDICTION: won’t see a second season.
BACK TO YOU (FOX) : Kelsey Grammar and Patricia Heaton had major sitcom success with Frasier and Everybody Loves Raymond but they won’t repeat it with the turkey. Yes, the leads are talented but neither of the characters are particularly likeable. The supporting cast doesn’t help and neither do scripts that are lacking in both humor and any sense of originality. PREDICTION: should die a quick death but Grammar and Heaton’s contracts will probably keep the show on the air.
BIG BANG THEORY (CBS): Beauty and the Geek becomes an unfunny sitcom. At least Kaily Croco is pretty to look at but that’s about the best thing you can say about the show. I’m a "crypto-geek" and this show still managed to embarrass me--that’s going some! PREDICTION: “Big Bang” is a big bust. It should die a quick death.
BIG SHOTS (ABC): a male version of Desperate Housewives (which isn‘t all that surprising since the Creator is Mark Cherry) is an over-the-top soap about the trials and tribulations of four men trying to make their way in the minefield of modern love and work. Good scripts, lush sets and pretty boy Michael Vartan help send this show into the stratosphere. PREDICTION: I thought it couldn’t miss but the show isn‘t holding the audience from Grey‘s Anatomy and that doesn‘t bode for the future.
BIONIC WOMAN (NBC): re-imagined for the 21st Century, the new version is darker and at least tries for some half-way reasonable science. Too bad the show isn’t any better. PREDICTION: nostalgia won’t keep the fan boys watching so this new version won’t last.
CANE (CBS): give CBS credit for trying to increase cultural diversity on television and for spending tons of money promoting this show in a number of creative ways. Cane has some big name Latino stars (Jimmy Smits, Hector Elizando and Rita Moreno) but this tropical, rum-soaked sudser doesn’t have a lot to raise it above mediocrity. Its going to need something more to make it work. PREDICTION: unknown but I‘m guessing CBS isn‘t getting the numbers to justify the expense of producing the show so I don‘t see it lasting. Still, CBS has ordered additional scripts so that indicates the network has faith in the show.
CARPOOLERS (ABC): a weird (and not in a good way) tale of four sad sacks brought together by their car pool. You have to give the creators “props” for trying something unique but this show just isn’t funny! PREDICTION: permanantly parked before 2008.
CAVEMEN (ABC): remember how annoying those Geico “caveman” were? Guess what! This half hour “comedy” is even moreso! You could forgive the show for being insulting and insensitive if it were funny--but it isn’t even that. PREDICTION: this evolutionary “dead end” is doomed to extinction. Hopefully it will come sooner rather than later.
CHUCK (NBC): another “nerd chic” offering, this one mixing spy stories with physical overtones. Engaging performances are sometimes marred by uneven writing and I find myself wondering how long the produces can keep up the story. PREDICTION: initial good ratings are eroding making the future of this show doubtful. Hopefully this show can survive Dancing With The Stars to see a second season.
DANCING WITH THE STARS (ABC): America’s second-favorite “reality competition is back for a fifth go-round with better talent than ever. As expected, better dancers are being booted in favor of those with bigger fan bases but that is only to be expected: eventually the true talents will rise to the top. PREDICTION: still one of the top “water cooler” shows on television it will guarantee multiple seasons to come.
DIRTY SEXY MONEY (ABC): I love the title but a lot of people don’t. Luckily they enjoy this over-the-top sudsier about the trials and tribulations of good guy Nick George (Peter Krause) as he deals with the uber-rich Darling family. A lot of stars, and a good story help this show soar. PREDICTION: another big hit for ABC.
GOSSIP GIRL (CW): Dawson’s Creek (and every other WB sudser) takes a Cruel Intentions turn. This show isn’t designed for people like me so maybe I’m not the best person to review it. I found most of the characters unlikable and I really didn’t care about the problems of these annoying little rich kids. PREDICTION: the network has already picked up the show for a full season so prospects are good. Still, the CW has canceled better shows so I don’t know if this one will hang around more than a year.
HEROES (NBC): a lot of changes have taken place in the four months since the finale of Season One but the pot is boiling merrily away. We’re four episodes in and I’m excited to see where the series is going--even though I could really do with the time trip Hiro has taken back to Japan. (I’ll reserve judgment until they finish that arc though.) This is my only absolute “must see” show of the year. PREDICTION: if last year’s ratings are any indication this show will be doing fine.
JOURNEYMAN (NBC): the last of NBC’s “Sci Fi Monday (my name not theirs) show, this one is an edgier, more personal Quantum Leap. Kevin McKidd is an unknowing and unwilling time traveler bouncing around 30 years of San Francisco (sometimes encountering his younger self). The stories have been good so far but I can’t help wonder when the whole thing will implode. (Vanishing for hours or days at a time can take a real toll on the personal and professional life.) PREDICTION: I have no clue: I’d like for the show to succeed but I have no idea whether it will.
KID NATION (CBS): this show caused much controversy before it even aired with speculation that the child “stars” were being exploited. Personally, I don’t believe they were being exploited: it was an interesting experience for those involved that I doubt will scar them for life. For the viewing public it’s just another reality show, albeit better done than most. PREDICTION: will make its full run of episodes but I don’t expect to see a KID NATION 2.
KITCHEN NIGHTMARES (FOX): haven’t seen it and I don’t want to. Personally, I wish Gordon Ramsey would leave television once and for all.
K-VILLE (FOX): comedian Anthony Anderson stars as an off-the-wall cop in post-Katrina New Orleans. It’s not getting good ratings and has been moved several times since debuting in August. PREDICTION: yet another Katrina casualty.
LIFE (NBC): haven’t seen this one and haven’t heard anything about it. PREDICTION: no buzz is a good indicator this show won’t be a hit.
LIFE IS WILD (CW): a “family drama” with wild animals. There’s nothing new here and life is dull on the Veldt. PREDICTION: like much of the African wildlife Life is Wild is doomed to extinction.
MOONLIGHT (CBS): this show tries to inject some “fresh blood” into the vampire mythos with limited success. I thought the way the creators handled various aspects of being a vampire but the first episode wasn’t very involving, (Too much exposition, too little development of the characters.) PREDICTION: CBS will drive a stake through this show’s heart before the end of the Season.
NASHVILLE (Fox): a dull "Reality" show on a really bad night that didn't survive two episodes.
ON-LINE NATION (CW): the internet "clip show" got clipped after only two episodes.
PRIVATE PRACTICE (ABC): Kate Walsh gets a spin-off from Grey’s Anatomy. In my view both shows are weaker but if numbers hold up it doesn’t matter what I think. PREDICTION: a major hit at least as big as its parent.
PUSHING DAISIES (ABC): an artsy, candy-colored fairy tale that is chock-full of enough strangeness and word play to satisfy the most jaded TV viewer. It’s an allegory of love and death with a dash of murder mystery thrown in. I worry that this show might be, dare I say it? too original for network television. The premise and execution are first rate but I don’t think this is the right day and time for a show like this. PREDICTION: too unique to survive--which is sad since this is one of my favorites.
REAPER (CW): you gotta worry about a show when the best character is the Devil. Most of the characters are way too sad sack and whyine for me. PREDICTION: the “Buffy” and “Supernatural set aren’t taking to the show so I expect Reaper to be sent to purgatory by the end of the season.
SAMANTHA WHO? (ABC): I didn’t watch this when it was broadcast and couldn’t see it on the ABC web site thanks to a Media Player that doesn’t work with my computer. PREDICTION: the show did well in it’s debut but I wonder how well it will continue to do after Dancing With The Stars wraps up in late November. We’ll see eventually.
SURVIVOR CHINA (CBS): the show that started the “reality show” craze is definitely beginning to show its age. This latest go round suffers from a dull cast and the viewers have pretty much seen everything the show has to offers. PREDICTION: “survives”--for a few more cycles.
THE PRICE IS RIGHT (CBS): Drew Carey takes over the show after the million-year (relatively) run of Bob Barker and seems to be doing very well. Carey gives the show a new vibe that viewers seem to like. PREDICTION: Carey's run won't last 3o+ years but the show will continue to be a ratings winner for CBS.
VIVA LAUGHLIN (CBS) Hugh Jackman ventures into series television with a watered-down version of a British cult hit. It’s a crime murder mystery/ musical where the principals occasionally break into song and dance. (They sing along with famous songs.) Can anyone say Cop Rock? Looks like the CBS Programmers got into the cocaine again. PREDICTION: bet on a quick death for this show.
WOMEN’S MURDER CLUB (ABC): a Police Detective, Coroner, Assistant DA and report (all surprisingly hot and incredibly stylish for women in those professions) get together to solve crimes. The pilot episode was well crafted and had a good mystery for the men and enough suds to entrance any woman. PREDICTION: early results are very good for ABC but I feel the show won’t be a major hit because of the time slot. Look for it to move to a better time slot.
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