Friday, May 11, 2007

Spiderman Weaves his Third Web

Today’s post begins with a fractal called Weird Web. I picked it because I’m reviewing the latest “Spiderman” epic--and it was the only fractal that had a web-like appearance,
This past weekend Spiderman 3 opened world-wide and took in more than three-hundred twenty million dollars. (I had to write the number out because it was so completely surprising). The movie smashed all previous records--in spite of tepid critical reviews. Robyn and I took in a Sunday Matinee to help the movie take in an estimate 148 million dollars in the United States alone.
The first and second installments of the “Spiderman” franchise were two of the best (if not the absolute best) super hero movies ever made. Spiderman 3 suffers from a common problem with most super hero movies--bloat. Every super hero sequel has to top the one before--more villains, more FX, more angst, more everything. It must be louder, longer and more brazen than the one that came before. So in this two-hour movie we have to get the backstory for not one but TWO new super villains as well as advance the characters of the Major Players.
As the movie opens Peter Parker is one happy guy: New York City loves Spiderman and he loves Mary Jane. He’s doing well and even decides its time to pop the question. Of course fate has other plans: first his best friend Harry Osborne decides it’s time to get revenge on Peter for the death of his father. A protoplasmic blob from outer space takes an interest in Peter--giving him a great new look and a not so great new outlook on life. Meanwhile, small time crook Flint Marko escapes from jail and ends up getting transformed into the Sandman. Peter gets a new nemesis in Eddie Haskell wannabe Edward Brock Jr. who snaps pix of Spidey (better than those produced by Peter himself.) Eventually Peter dumps the symbiote and it bonds with Eddie Brock--becoming the Venom.
Thomas Haden Church underplays Flint Marko--a small time crook who ends up becoming the Sandman. The tale of how he was transformed was pretty standard but his battle scene with Spidey were pretty cool. Topher Grace channels Greg German in his portrayal of Eddie Brock. Spiderman’s dark mirror Venom. Bryce Dallas Howard isn’t given much to work with as Gwen Stacy who crosses paths both with Peter AND Spiderman: she (or her character at least) will be back in future episodes so it’ll be interesting to see what happens with her. Toby Maguire, Kirstin Dunst and James Franco pretty much phone in their performances.
The movie is beautifully shot and the action sequences are first rate. The plot is, to say the least, obvious and there are no surprises for the movie going public. Still, it’s a fun popcorn movie, a perfect “summer biggie” and surely won’t disappoint most Spiderman fans. Yes, it could have been better but it could easily have been much, much worse! It was a nice beginning to the 2007 “Summer
Blockbuster” season.

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