Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"Pirates" Sail into Theaters Again

Today’s post begins with a fractal called Deep See Spiral. I picked it because I will be reviewing Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. Anyone who saw the movie might well remember that a whirlpool plays a part in the movie. (It’s not all that important to the story but at least it gives me a second connection to image and story.) You will notice the post is rather shorter than usual but I think it covers everything as needed.
I had very low expectations for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest when it came out five years ago: after all--how good could a movie based on a Disneyland ride (even a fun one like “P. of the C.”) be? Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be an absolute gem! Then there was Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl. It ended up being an over-long and pretty dull movie that was nothing but a setup for the third installment of the movie. So, once it came time to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End I was prepared for the worst--especially when I found out the movie ran almost three hours!
This review won’t contain a plot synopsis. I’d love to relate what happened but I couldn’t figure out what was going on. There were so many twists and turns that after a while I just got too confused to follow the action so I gave up and let myself get swept along. And believe me--there is action aplenty! All the battle scenes, whether they be with swords or ship-to-ship combat, are shot with verve. Luckily the talky bits are few and far between because they slow the movie way down! (There was one "trippy" scene that didn't add a lot to the movie but they were really cool to look at.)
All the actors suitably chew the scenery (as required in a truly BIG movie like this one) and, with the possible exception of Orlando Bloom, all of them still seem to be enjoying their roles. (Then again, Orlando gets well-and-truly hosed by the script so it wouldn’t surprise me if he acted slightly annoyed.) As I said, the plot confuses me but it moves along so quickly that you don’t really have time to think about it. There’s a lot to look at and the movie is beautifully shot. I think the movie runs too long (but honestly I can’t think of what should or even could be cut.) As always the effects are first rate The script nicely ties up the loose ends but leaves room for Pirates of the Caribbean Four (and there will be one, I promise you!) This is a fun romp for the whole family--except for the very youngest children--perfect for a summer blockbuster. There are a few dark moments but it's not so horrible that it would spoil the movie.

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