Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Two Movie Reviews One Post!

I chose Delicate 2 as today's fractal cookie mainly because it has a "2" in the title (since I'm reviewing two movies) and I don't think I've ever used it in a post before.  So--on with the reviews!
What can I say about The Adventures Of Tin Tin?  It's based on a comic series that's hugely popular all over Europe and the motion-capture animated movie is directed by Steven Spielberg so you know it's going to be a class act.  The action starts pretty much from the opening credits and never lets up until the end (and that's one of the few points where things slow down a bit.)  The animation is beautiful and, for once, humans don't look like weirdly-animated wax dolls (as in The Polar Express). The voice cast, Jamie Bell (as the title character), Andy Serkis (as Captain Haddock), Daniel Craig as the villainous Sakharine and Nick Frost and Simon Pegg as Detectives Thomson and Thompson are first rate.  There is just the right mix of action, comedy and suspense that will keep the entire family entertained.  Yes, there are a few little bits that left this sour old critic shaking his head a bit but what of it?  This is just a huge tub of escapist fun--just what I go to the movies for!  We saw the movie in 3D.  Dunno if the 3D FX were really needed to enhances our enjoyment of the movie but they are certainly well done and I didn't find myself feeling ripped off for needing to spend the extra cash for the tickets.  All in all it was the perfect movie for Christmas Day.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's most famous creation gets another "steampunk" outing in the movie sequel. I really enjoyed the first movie (gave it an "A" I think) but I couldn't shake the feeling that I've seen this all before.  The first time they pulled out the bag of tricks I was impressed but this time I came away with the feeling of "so--what else is new?"  Robert Downey Jr. chews the scenery as the title character but just doesn't seem to be having fun.  Likewise Jude Law as Dr. Watson--but at least he isn't relegated to bumbling sidekick in this role.  At least he gets a bit of story for himself.  Jared Harris as Professor Moriarity is pretty much one-note as the villain but Stephen Fry has fun with the role of Myrcorft Holmes.  The rest of the cast was pretty much forgetable.
The script has Holmes trying to stop Moriarity from starting a world war (for a surprisingly pedestrian reason).  That was a cool idea for amping up the character but the FX and pretty much everything else are a redux of the 2009 movie.  If you like that sort of thing then rush out and see this movie, if not--wait a bit and rent it.  I was well and truly disappointed by this sequel.

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