I came completely prepared to hate the Blue Man Group when I knew I was going to see the show: I even had a title for the review, The Group Made Me Blue, Man. I thought the blend of three nearly-identical guys being expressionless and doing stylized movements while drumming would be clever for a few minutes but get old really fast. I didn't see how they could sustain my interest. I was dreading the show. Turns out I wasn't completely wrong.
There's no point in trying to recount the show's plot: they don't have one. There are a number of unrelated "scenes" involving movement, music and technical wizardry to keep the show moving. The best parts of the show involve audience participation (particularly the "Dance Party" that finishes out the show). Some bits go on way to long (there's a "dinner scene" that lost almost the entire audience and nearly killed the show's momentum). The show is also very loud (not bad for those used to loud clubs and concerts but not too great for old poops like me).
In all honesty I missed a lot of the visual bits in the show (even with the gigantic video screens broadcasting a lot of the action) but I was decidedly in the minority. All the youngsters in the audience loved the show and a lot of the oldsters were laughing along with them. There's no point to the show--unless the point is to bring folks together for one big party and in that Blue Man Group succeeded admirably.
FINAL GRADE: C (for me) A- (almost everybody else)
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