Friday, January 28, 2011

A "Real" Reason For Concern

Almost any Christianity-related post gets a "Stained Glass" fractal so it should be no surprise that something related to Islam should get an "Arabesque" fractal cookie.  I chose Arabesque 56 for this rant mainly because I don't think I've used this before.  ANYway--enjoy the post (unless you have other plans) and here's hoping I don't get in trouble with the Concerned American Citizens group.
Recently a proposed Mosque in the lovely city of Temecula got my attention when a group calling itself Concerned American Citizens raised opposition to the building.  Why?  First, you go with the obvious (adding traffic to a residential area, parking problems, flooding) then then they add in concerns for "public safety"--whatever that may be.  I get that there just MIGHT be some validity to the claim (having attended a church in a residential area I get that neighbors might have some legitimate concerns about parking).  Still, where I start taking objection is the issue of public safety.
What got me was a comment by one unidentified woman saying the Mosque's leadership "refused to disavow Hammas".  (The leadership of the Mosque says it's not ABOUT Hammas--it's about whether or not the city has a legal right to prevent construction.)  About all they could really bring to the table was that some Islamic Centers support "insurrection and jihad".  (Mind you--there's NO INDICATION that the Mosque in Temecula supported this other than the leadership being unwilling to engage in a political debate).  We know that Timothy McVeigh (who was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing) was a Christian Fundamentalist: does that mean all Christian Churches should be restricted?  Obviously not: the same goes for Mosques or any other form of worship center--for ANY denomination!
Here is the commentary from Concerned American Citizens on the Temecula issue.
It's both interesting and frightening: check out the first reply.  (I love how things get bent and featured disproportionally.)  Here's their companion site that comments on the entire religion of Islam. .  On one level--I completely get it but then I realize the guy is talking about a VERY extreme version of Islam.  We SHOULD be concerned about folks like this (and a foreign policy that encourage Islamic Extremists).  But we shouldn't be any more concerned about them than we should be about Christian Extremists.  American citizens--you DO have a right to be concerned!  Maybe you're just not concerned about the right things...
Think about it.


Vendla said...

I agree with you completely!

People should make sure they have ALL the facts, and that the facts are not slanted or biased...THEN open mouth with an educated/informed opinion.

Baron von Renable said...

In the end, the Temecula Planning Commission approved the Mosque and Concerned American Citizens decided NOT to sue them. (The Planning Commission, after all the rhetoric, couldn't find a legal reason to prevent construction.)