Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Good Reason To Institute "Shunning" In American Society

Any post that deals with a religious theme (even peripherally) gets a "Stained Glass" fractal.  This post deals with a matter that is purely "black and white" (in my mind at least) so I chose Stained Glass 13 as today's cookie: I'm just sorry the image is so pretty because what I'll be talking about is frankly ugly.
CNN reports those "delightful people" (SARCASM ON) at the Westboro Baptist Church have announced they will be picketing the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards.  These are the same people who used to picked funerals of those who died of AIDS then decided they could get more coverage picketing funerals of American soldiers killed in action.  If you need to read the story here's a link you can check out: .  (WARNING: this is disgusting--and it's me who's saying that!!!)
I have a good vocabulary yet I find I can't find the words to sufficiently condem such utter and complete NONSENSE!!!  Forget the fact that these fools have obvious never cracked the New Testament of the Holy Bible or that they have never heard of the words "Christian forgiveness."  How can people who presume to call themselves a Christian Church have the NERVE to claim they know the mind of God?  (Come on people--confining someone to HELL???  I thought only God could do that...)  These people give Christians a bad name throughout the entire world.
Normally, there's no greater advocate of Free Speech then me.  Honestly, I believe they have a right to put this (pardon my French) utter shit out there: I just wonder who keeps feeling the need to continually bring these people (and folks like them) back to the national spotlight.  What possible good does the Media feel can be done by giving them coverage?  They are a tiny, fringe group that even many Fundamentalist Christians find hard to take: they add nothing to the national dialog and frankly don't deserve coverage.
Therefor I have a suggestion that should be given serious consideration: lets introduce the Amish concept of "Shunning" to american society--and lets begin with the Westboro Baptist Church.  When someone in the Amish community commits a serious offense they are completely ignored by the community as a whole.  The offender is not spoken TO or OF: the community does there best to pretend the shunned individual never existed. 
Since I suggested the idea I'm going to be the first one to put it into practice: henceforward I promise that those people will never again be mentioned by me in this blog--or anywhere else.  Let them say what they want and DO what they want: I won't comment and will pretend they don't exist.  Never again will I waste metephorical ink or even a though on those people.  Won't you join me?
Think about it.

1 comment:

Vendla said...

I went and read their hate filled poison...and...I am so horrified by what they have spewed there are no words to describe it. This is the FINAL straw, and I hope they get nailed to the back of the outhouse in which they live. Better yet in the hole UNDER the outhouse!

Shunning isn't harsh enough.