Monday, June 14, 2010

A Far From Famtastic Fourth

I chose Spinz 11 as today's fractal cookie for two reason: first--like Sherk, it's green.  Second--this movie laid an egg and the imge is basically egg-shaped.  (If you didn't figure that I was going to slam the movie by reading the title of this review maybe you'd better stop reading before you waste any more of your time.)  Now that' we've got the intro business out of the way--on with the review!
Shrek began life as a 38 page children's book.  Having suffered through a few "Doctor Seuss " movies I wondered if there would be enough material to pad out the material enough to make it work.  Much to my surprise they did--and they made it work even better.  Shrek 2 was even better than the first movie but by Shrek the Third the franchise was getting a bit tired.  Shrek Forever After brings the franchise to a limping close (proving once again that if any series hangs around long enough it will eventually turn to crap).
Don't get me wrong: Shrek Forever After isn't completely awful.  Sprinkled in among the tired old plots and characters, there are some truly cool bits.  An early scene in a witch-infested Trailer Park is particularly inspired and crammed full of delightful little throw-away details.  There are also several scenes that look like they came straight out of a video game: looks great but the rest of the movies pretty much comes out as "been there, done that".  It's hard to get exitited about the movie whe you've seen it all befrrore and better ehsewhere.  We didn't spend the extra money to see the 3D version and frankly I don't think I missed anything.  How To Train Your Dragon did it altogether better--even if that movie wasn't made in 3D.  Die-hard fans of the Shrek series will find what they have come to know and love in the series but for me the series has well and truly lost its lusterr.


Judy said...

Completely your blog site

Judy said...

Completly Agree...very dissapointed in the last Shrek movie..and 3D was just annoying!