Wednesday, January 6, 2010

On The Loss Of An (Almost) Friend

Matters philosophical seem to require a "Stained Glass" fractal.  I chose Stained Glass 66 for this post because the two colors and the many layers mirror the way I feel right now.
I got some strange, somewhat sad news yesterday.  An "Internet Friend" told me that another of our "Internet Friends" had passed away.  I have to confess the news made me feel a bit peculiar and got me thinking about the strange nature of Internet frendships. 
I'd had many a discussion on Science Fiction, TV, (classic and current) Comic Books and Role Playing Games and always found him to be interesting (and more importantly) low drama.  When I was having my ups and downs this summer he was always supportive in a quiet, inobtrusive way--and I truly appreciated that.  But I realized there was quite a lot I DIDN'T know about my Internet Friend--other than his name and home town.  What was his marital status?  (I'm guessing single since he never mentioned anyone--not that it was any of my business.)  What kind of family did he have?  (Did he have much a relationship with them?)  I suddenly realized I didn't even know what the guy did for a living...  I never saw a picture, never heard his voice so I'd never have recognized him if we passed on the street and that seems strange to me.
Right now I feel a bit strange: I feel like I should be feeling something more than a vague sense of loss--but I knew him so little I couldn't make much of an emotional connection.  I feel sorry for his family and friends at his loss but it's hard to muster up much else in the way of emotion.  I guess the Internet makes for strange relationships indeed: looking back I don't know if I can honestly call him a Friend but he was certainly something more than an Accquaintance.  We had some good times in the few years I knew him (and the few bad times didn't last long): that's a good thing in ANY type of Friend.  So--rest well my Internet Friend: I hope wherever you are is peaceful, happy and bright.

1 comment:

Jana said...

Frodo was never married, had distanced himself from the immediate family (mostly due to the fact he didn't want to suffer more pain if another family member died), didn't work because he was disabled and ...well.....his brother's are baffled by all the cousins out here that Frodo never told them about. He was pretty much a hermit, in recent years rarely even leaving his apartment.

*huggles* It's perfectly alright to be experiencing the mixed feelings you are having. Of all people, Frodo would understand them and tell you 'it's all good.'

At first I was heartbroken, but then the thought 'he's no longer in pain' came over me and I had to smile. Towards the end his diabetes was giving him many problems, so now he's not encumbered by it. No more canes, no more pain...betting he's weaving stories in Valhalla now!!!