Now--without further ado I give you--the Year in Ron!
On a personal level, this year...
- we got our very first brand new car.
- that car was bought was Korean (a Hyundai Sonata in case you've forgotten) and we're ridiculously happy with the choice we made.
- I had to take a step back to preserve my own sanity.
- I really started missing Greg Kirby as a Choir Director.
- I reconciled myself to living in Riverside County (and I'm actually happy about it).
- I made my "Bucket" List (and published it on my blog!)
- I culled Christmas Music from my too extensive library.
- I self medicated with food WAY too much.
- I went to Laughlin Nevada for the first (and probably last) time in my life.
- I learned to love and hate my iPOD.
- my tolerance for "chaos" reached new lows.
- I let Robyn wear capris (and they didn't look totally awful on her!)
- I had to grovel my way out of a ticket.
- I quit caring what most people tought about me.
- I proved I had grace under pressure more than once.
- I gave up on the newspaper. (There's only so much of the ceaseless crapfest of the Press Enterprise I can talke and I'm well past my limit.)
- we still haven't found a decent Mexican Restaurant in Riverside County. (Oddly enough we've found two pretty good BBQ places...)
- J.J. Abrams took gave Star Trek the good swift (re)boot it needed to become great once again. Zachary Quinto was BORN to play Spcok!
- I became a total "Gleek." How did this weird High School musical fantasy become the best new show in years?
- I totally gave up trying to figure out Lost.
- Avatar was the biggest movie disappointment since the sequal to Romancing The Stone (for me at least).
- I mourned the loss of Pushing Daisies, Dirty Sexy Money and Eli Stone--three shows that got canceled way to soon. At least they kindasorta got a chance for abreviated send offs.
- I avoided hearing Christmas Shoes for the entire holiday season! Now if only I could say the same for Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer....
- I watched with a certain sense of schadenfreude the fall and rise and fall again of Miss California Carrie Prejean. I'm not the least bit impressed by Perez Hilton but I worry about people who say God talks to them.
- I watched Tiger Woods become a national joke.
- I watched a black man become President--and inherit the biggest mess since I don't know when. Poor Barak Obama has to deal with an economic meltdown of truly epic proportions and a mess of a war to boot. There's no way out of either mess and anything he does is sure to be criticized: wouldn't want that.
- I watched "Ahnold" prove he nothing more than a cheap politician.
- I wished I could bring up the entire State Legislature on charges for malicious stupidity.
- I watched a juicy sex scandal involving a senior Replican fade into nothing.
- I was surprised (but pleased) that our country got back a little respect in the eyes of the world.
- I was surprised to watch immigration virtually disappear as a hot-button issue.
- I still know nothing about RivCo politics (and don't care either).
'nuff said
1 comment:
I'm just happy to see that decade GONE! Not a good 10 years!!!
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