Republican Congressman Mike Duvall who represents parts of Orange County--an outspoken conservative and defender of "family values"--was caught recorded on an open microphone discussing (in graphic detail) sexual affairs with two married women. (One of the women happens to be a lobbyist who frequently testifies before the Utility Committee--of which Duvall was Vice-Chairman) The comments were made at a hearing in July but didn't come to light until this week.
Needless to say, once the comments were made public Duvall was quick to resign his seat (amid rumors that one of his most powerful supporters was already out looking for a replacement.) You'd think that would be enough to end the problem but this scandal is going to go on for a while. There will be an investigation of his activities to see if the affair affected his voting record (Duvall's decisions were often in line with Sempra Energy--who employs the lobbyist he was supposedly involved with .) Will anything be proven? Only time will tell--but there are reports that Duvall was quite the "Player" in Sacramento and many thought it would only be a matter of time until his career imploded.
Duvall said in his Resignation comments: “I am deeply saddened that my inappropriate comments have become a major distraction for my colleagues in the Assembly. It would not be fair to my family, my constituents or to my friends on both sides of the aisle to remain in office. Therefore, I have decided to resign.” Later he claimed he made it all up as if somehow that made it all better. Nowhere in either of these statements did he apologize to the women he named.
Come on guy! Do you really think it's that much better to claim you like to talk dirty to other men? Does it somehow enhance your reputation with other Conservative Republican Lawmakers. (Assemblyman Jeff Miller of Corona is also in hot water with his own party for failing to report the comments.) Assuming you are telling the absolute truth you've trashed not only your own life but the lives of two innocent women. Do you even care about the damage you've done to them? Honestly, I doubt it by your conduct--but I could be wrong... Televised reports say Duvall's wife
aving none of it: she's locked him out of his own home.
For me though--there's a broader question. Why is it OK for these "family values" types to put on a show of morality (and condemning others for misdeeds) while acting like pigs? Why is it OK for other "family values" types to sit by while someone like Duvall makes a mokery of their stands? (Personally, I'm guessing it's because they don't really believe their own line or theses men think they are too far aboive commonplace things to be bothered.) Either way, Mike Duvall not only disrespected himself, his constituents, his party and good decent women everywhere. Assuming he's telling the truth he also disrespected two innocent women and publicly trashed their lives. Mike Duvall--you got everything you deserved--and more!
'nuff said
Good for Mrs. DuVall! I hope she dumps him like the garbage he is! Though I suspect the honest trash in the dumpster would throw him out if he tried to climb in...
I got an e-Mail from my friend Jana in Misouri. With her permission I am posting her comments below...
I have only heard vague murmurings about Mike Duvall, so I read your
blog entry with great interest. AND I agree with your assessment
wholeheartedly!! The nicest thing that a woman could say about him would be "Prick" And pparently he seemed to like to prick the ladies, so I think I owe the pun jar for that one.
AND I hope his wife takes him for every single penny, plus the house(s), car(s) and ALL of his assets wherever they may be!!
AND now I have a google account, in order to leave comments. Not sure if it's working correctly or not...but hey I'm heeeeere!
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