Thursday, January 10, 2008

Of Serendipity and "Rainy-Day Banana Pudding"

Today's post begins with a fractal called Sunny Flower. I picked it largely because it was yellow and green (like bananas) and because the shape looked like tropical leaves. It's a very slim connection but you can't always have a perfect connection between every image and post. ANYway--on with the post!
Serendipity. The word has fallen out of fashion and that’s really too bad because it has such a wonderful definition. The Dictionary defines “serendipity” as “an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.” It can also be defined simply as “good fortune” or “luck.” I’m going to take a break from the movie reviews and random rants to tell you about a bit of serendipity that happened to me.
The Saturday after New Year’s Day is almost my least favorite day of the whole year. That’s the day all the Christmas stuff comes down at our house--putting an end to the holiday season. That's the day the season is officially over and lets me know it's time to go back to the dull, Real World and all it's problems. It never helps that the day always seems to be gray and cold. This past Saturday (January 5) the day was compounded by a night of hard rain and the promise of even more rough weather to come. We’d had an indifferent lunch (at a Restaurant that’s usually pretty good) when I saw they had Banana Pudding on the menu! (At $4.95 no less--and that for a single serving!) Banana Pudding was something my Mom used to make a lot when I was a kid. It was usually a summertime treat but I decided I wanted some even in the dead of winer.
I remembered it as being fairly easy to make so I suggested to Robyn that we go and pick up the ingredients--since we had several bananas at home--that would have ended up being thrown away if we didn’t find a way to use them. (My titian-haired everluscious lady had her doubts--no doubt becayse she's had experience in the kitchen with me. Still, this time she was willing to give it a try--just because it made me happy.) Luckily there was a Ralphs Supermarket close to hand. I remember the Banana Pudding recipe my Mom used as being on the “Nilla Wafers” box. We got the wafers--only to find that the pudding recipe had been replace with, of all things, a recipe for “instant” Tiramisu! (Is it me or is that really a utterly disgusting as it sounds?) Still, I thought I could remember how my Mom had done it back in the day so we bought the wafers, a six-serving box of Instant Banana Pudding and a small container of Cool Whip then headed home to see what we could make with the ingredients.
While Robyn made up the pudding and sliced the bananas I lined a 9X13 inch pan with Vanilla Wafers. Once the pudding was mixed Robyn added the sliced bananas and some of the Cool Whip then mixed that all together. While she was doing that I took some more wafers that I had put in a Glad Bag and used a hammer to pound them into crumbs. We then used these crumbs as a topping for the mixture Robyn had poured into the pan. After several hours of chilling the pudding was ready to be eaten. Turned out to be pretty darn good actually: not quite like Mom used to make but close enough...
So why am I sharing this story? Not because I think I have made some sort of “grand discovery”--or even managed to recapture a small piece of my childhood. I told this story because I wanted to share a small serendipity in my life. We took a risk (albeit a small one) and had a wonderful result. (Not that it would have been a huge loss had it turned out badly but still--we had to have at least a little faith and the willingness to fail . . .) What I want you to get out of this, dear reader, is took look for the serendipity in your own life. Really, it’s there--just waiting to be discovered.

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