“Super Bowl Sunday” comes around every year and every year people go crazy. As for me, I pretty much could care less (actually I couldn‘t care less but that‘s a post for another time) and I have to find other entertainment. SO--here’s a list of 43 things I COULD be doing instead of watching the “big game.” I'll be doing at least one of these things--I'm just not sure which yet...
XLIII: REFRESH MY KNOWLEDGE OF ROMAN NUMERALS. I learned Roman Numerals back in grade school and I was actually pretty good at converting them into our system (Arabic Numerals). Sadly, like so many other things I learned that ability has faded away. Now might be a good time to see if I can pick up the skill again.
XLII: SHAVE MY LEGS. No, I don’t shave anything but my face (and ears) but I’m more likely to shave my legs than watch the Super Bowl.
XLI: DEVELOP AN APPRECIATION FOR HIP-HOP AND RAP. Yeah right: that's so not goign to happen.
XL: TOSS THE POINSETTIAS. Two of the three poinsettias we bought as Christmas decorations are still alive (although looking rather the worse for wear). Since the weather has warmed up a bit we left them outside and the Santa Ana Winds have not been kind. Maybe it’s time to throw them away or plant them. (Yeah, we'll just run out with the gardening tools... Oh wait--we don't have any!)
XXXIX: SWEEP THE PATIO. The Santa Anas bring lovely warm temperatures--but deposit a lot of trash (mostly pine needles, leaves and dirt) on our patio and it really needs to get cleaned up.
XXXVIII: ORGANIZE THE GARAGE. I’ve been needing to do this since we moved in and it hasn’t gotten done yet. I’ll get to it--eventually but don’t expect it to happen any time soon.
XXXVII: ORGANIZE MY SOCK AND UNDERWEAR CUBBIES. Just one of those dull tasks that needs to get done.
XXXVI: TRY TO INSTALL “MBF” ON MY NEW COMPUTER. I finally located the hard copy of the program and tried to load it on my system--only to be confronted with “FILE NOT FOUND” messages. Dunno how to get past those…
XXXV: PUT NEW POEMS UP IN MY POETRY BLOG. What? You didn’t know I had a poetry blog? Why aren’t you reading it? Go there now! ( http://ronwritespoetry.blogspot.com/ ). I have tons of old poems I wrote back in college (depressing stuff mostly) that I could share with the world.
XXXIV: DUST. I always need to do that.
XXXII: CATALOG ROBYN’S JEWELRY. Someone (me) needs to catalog all the stuff she has--note what she has and where she keeps it. I should probably take pictures of everything too…
XXXI: CATCH UP ON THE DVR BACKLOG. As of now our DVR is about 70% full. I have about half a season’s worth of The Mentalist and Life On Mars as well as a bunch of random stuff that I should try to watch at some point. Maybe this weekend.
XXX: LOOK AT MY SISTER’S LATEST QUILTING PROJECTS. My sister Jane is probably about the only family member who WON’T be watching the Super Bowl this weekend (unless her kids are visiting than all bets are off). Jane loves to quilt and I’m sure there would be lots of interesting and pretty things to see. We could even try the new BBQ place down by her before we come home…
XXIX: CHECK OUT THE “GOING OUT OF BUSINESS” SALE AT CIRCUIT CITY. Just because someone is having a run of bad luck there’s no reason I shouldn’t shop for a bargain. After all--I really DO need some I-Pod accessories…
XXVIII: TRY TO FIGURE OUT THE CORONA LIBRARY. I don’t even know if they have Sunday hours but I need to find some time in there figuring out how the place works. I think they have the place divided into “fiction” and “nonfiction” and then organized by author. I’m not a big fan of that but that’s the way they do it. Guess I’m going to have to get used to it if I ever want to use the local library.
XXVII: SPEND SOME TIME IN THE “GREAT” OUTDOORS. There are some nice parks and nature preserves near us. This would be a good day to visit one.
XXVI: LEARN “BEADING”. I always envied “crafty” people: I have the soul of an Artist but my dexterity is sadly lacking so I’ve never been able to do much of anything that requires physical ability. I imagine I could master stringing beads for necklaces and earrings (with Robyn’s help) and I’ll bet I could do some pretty inventive designs.
XXV ORGANIZE MY BOOKSHELVES. We had the bookshelves nicely organized in our old home: it took a good long time to do it but we finally had everything set up the way we wanted things. When we moved all the books went out of the cartons and came out haphazardly onto the shelves. Now I don’t know where anything is is--except the books I haven’t read. I/we really need to get things put back together in a half way reasonable manner.
XXIV TOSS THE OUT-OF-DATE COUPONS. I’m one of those people who uses coupons whenever I can. I admit it, I’m cheap--make of that what you will! I don’t have a problem saving a buck where I can (and in these times don’t you dare turn up your nose at me!) Sadly, I’m also one of those people who saves a lot more coupons than they use: I have several months of stuff just sitting around--and a lot of it needs to be tossed. I should get to that.
XXIII CLEAN OUT MY “IN” BOX. I have over 3000 e-Mails sitting there in my “IN” box--most of them stuff I could easily delete. Why I haven’t I don’t know (probably lazy). Still, that’s getting silly. I need to do something about that…
XXII ROTATE THE MATTRESS/WASH THE PAD. Another of those odious little chores that needs to be done. I could do it instead of watching the Super Bowl.
XXI THINK OF WAYS TO INCREASE MY BLOG READERSHIP. Maybe if I spiced it up with posts like “Why my wife and her girlfriend are crazy for pussy!” (Robyn and some of her friends are mad for cats you dirty-minded person!)
XX: BAKE SOMETHING. We haven’t made brownies, “Triple Chocolate Orgasm Cake”, chocolate chip cookies or anything else for a long time (mainly because Robyn isn’t supposed to have chocolate and neither of us really NEED desert items). Still, it’s something to do…
XIX: GO THROUGH MY CDs. I have a sh#t load of compact discs--many of which I don’t listen to any longer (and haven’t listened to since I bought them). I could really stand to go through them and decide if I “really” want to keep these things. (I could use the storage space in my CD Cases.)
XVIII: PLOT GLOBAL DOMINATION. No wait, I always do that…
XVII: FINISH MY “HEROES” FANFIC. I just started writing and the next thing you know I had most of a chapter. But then I just sort of ran out of steam (I blame Robyn--mainly because I can) and never got back to it. Super Bowl Sunday would be a good day to do that.
XVI: GET ROBYN’S VALENTINE’S DAY GIFT. “V” Day falls on a Saturday this year--which means I have to go the extra mile. I’ve got to find something to get her that she’ll like (and won’t break the bank!)
XV: BUY A BATHING SUIT. Yes, I have a fabulous body (yeah right!) and it’s still too cold to swim around here--but it’s NOT too cold to get a start on the summer tan. I might even be able to wear shorts this summer. (Bet y’all can’t wait for that!)
XIV: PRAY FOR RAIN. We had our week of winter back in December and I didn’t like it much but this weeks-long “summer in January” is getting to be a bit of a drag. I’m actually getting TIRED of all the clear skies and warm weather. I’m not quite ready to put away the coats and long sleeve shirts.
XIII: BAR-B-QUE. Sunday should be a bit cooler than today but it should still be nice enough for dinner outside. (The weather will turn cold again soon enough I should enjoy my time outside while I can…
XII: VISIT “HISTORIC” TEMECULA. Temecula is a charming city less than forty miles directly south of us on Interstate 15. Old Town Temecula is a nicely-restored collection of old buildings filled with interesting shops and galleries. There are also some pretty good restaurants down there as well: Robyn and I have eaten at the First National Bank of Mexican Food (it‘s really in an old bank building!) and found it pretty good. I understand there are lots of other good places to eat and drink down there.
XI: NAP. What else needs to be said?
X: TAKE IN A MUSEUM. The Getty Museum, The Huntington Gardens and Galleries, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art are all (relatively) short drives from us. Hell, Riverside has a pretty decent Natural History Museum and there are railroad and plane museums in rural Riverside County.
IX: EXPLORE MY NEW HOME TOWN. Turns out Corona still has a lot of nicely preserved old buildings (Victorian houses, Craftsmen Bungalows, Mission-style architecture, Tudoresque structures) that are pretty well preserved. Add to that the fact that nothing goes in nice orthogonal patterns around here and it makes for interesting travel. We’ve been intending to do some serious exploring just to see what’s in the neighborhood. Maybe we’ll do it Sunday.
VIII: VISIT A FRIEND. I imagine our friends Alison Young and Andrea Pitzenbarger are about as uninterested in watching the Super Bowl as Robyn and I are. We could go hang with them and do pretty much anything BUT watch the game…
VII: DAY TRIP ON METROLINK. I imagine this would be a good day to travel (since everybody will be at home or a bar watching the Super Bowl). We could take a trip into downtown Los Angeles to see the sights or maybe down to San Juan Capistrano. Day trips by rail are an easy and fun way to explore your surroundings.
VI: CATCH UP ON MY POSTING. I’m way behind in all my on-line games and I’m sure the other Players would really appreciate it if I sent in the posts I owed…
V: TRANSFER MUSIC TO MY i-POD. A little less than half my collection of Compact Discs has been transferred to my I-Pod and I REALLY need to get the rest loaded on: it’s not hard work--just deadly dull.
IV: READ. When we moved I discovered I have 30+ unread books on the shelf. As I grow older (and blinder) I can’t get through books nearly as fast as I once could. This Sunday would be a good time to do a little catching up.
III: DINNER OUT. Avoid Sports Bars (like we spend a lot of time there) and Pizza Places (ditto) and Super Bowl Sunday is a wonderful day to dine out. All the other potential diners are either at home or at a sports bar of pizza place watching the game. Of course service can be a bit slow (since the cooks and servers are back in the kitchen watching the game) but it’s a good day to go out.
II: SEE A MOVIE. Robyn and I have gone to see a movie on Super Bowl Sunday every year since we’ve been together. We love it: the theater is never crowded and we pretty much have the place to ourselves so we can get crazy if we want to.